As you know, I LOVE me some Lunar Energy! And, with all of this reference to the Lion and Felines lately, we have yet ANOTHER event in the sign of Leo...tonight's August New Moon.
If you've read my past ramblings, you'll know by now that the New Moon provides us with some time to ‘go back over things’, to do some research and to plan – rather than take physical action. Just yet. You are getting a fresh start at this time, there is a new beginning for you. Waiting. If you will take the opportunity.
But you need to line up the energy first. (Always first!)
"The entire Universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want..." (Abraham Hicks) - you just have to have an energetic convo first!
How do we do this?...
We tap into ourselves, and the current cycles.
We embrace the energies that we're being given at this exact time.
And today, we grab a hold of the energy of Leo and incorporate it into our New Moon Ritual. When we visualise the Lion we think of it being...
- Energetic
- Optimistic
- Straightforward
- Loyal
- Confident
- Ambitious
- Passionate
So let's tap into the spirit of this animal with a few practical activities for this New Moon. You can do some work around this today, tonight, or spread it out over the week whilst the New Moon Energy still lingers...
Image source Pinterest
1. Energetic
Have you been moving your body? Getting outside? Saying yes to things - or are you in a winter coma?
Write down one thing you're going to do this week/weekend that will require some extra energy from you - even if it's easier and more comfortable to stay indoors and lie on the couch with the heater on! Think, going for a walk in the mornings - or after work in the evening. Doing a bit of Yoga, or stretching, in the park on your lunch break.
2. Optimistic
Is there a situation, that you're currently facing, that you're finding hard to see the positive side of? Do you feel trapped by circumstances, frustrated or annoyed that things aren't working out for you like you would like them to?
Flip the thought and write down 3 positive reasons that this may be happening to you, or 3 positives that could come out of the situation. Why could this possibly be the best thing to happen right now? Or, is it happening so that you can learn a lesson from it, get the kick up the butt you need or become a little more clear on the type of situation you would like instead?
3. Straightforward
Have you been upfront and honest lately, or have you been telling a story that you think will sit better with others, or protect somebody else?
Without hurting anybody, or offending anybody, gather the courage to say one thing this week - exactly 'the way it is'. Maybe it's being honest about how you're feeling, maybe you haven't spoken up about something that you should have, maybe you haven't been straightforward about what it is that you really want - because you're scared it will ruffle feathers or affect somebody else negatively. Give it a go - just once this week. Look somebody in the eye and be (lovingly and 100%) straightforward about something.
4. Loyal
Have you been loyal to your loved ones, partner of friends - in terms of the way you think, or talk about them? Even if you don't agree with them? Do you stand up for your mates when they're being spoken about negatively? Do you always have your loved ones, parents or siblings back? Do you support your loves ones and their ideas and/or decisions - regardless of what your opinion is?
This week, think about someone that never fails to have your back, and supports you, with every decision you make. And every step you take. Not most of the time. All of the time. And try to replicate the same faithful allegiance for them.
5. Confident
This week, pick 2 things that you can be more confident about. Choose 2 goals that you want to achieve - and start thinking positively about your ability to be able to do reach them!
Take 5 to do a quick visualisation for each goal, dream or desire and foresee yourself succeeding at these - without any regard for failure, fear or doubt. Start off with visualising goals or dreams that you have achieved or reached in the past - and grab a hold of that feeling! Think about it in detail - how got you there, how it felt when you achieved your desire and why it was important for you to do it.
Now visualise your 2 new goals - and transfer that feeling and energy over to them. Imagine you are looking back on them, the same way you just did with your goals of the past - and be absolutely confident that you can do it again!
6. Ambitious
Have you been watering down your dreams? Downsizing your desire? Because they just seem too far out there, or too big to achieve, or that you could never get there in this lifetime?
Stop! Become more ambitious! If there's something that you want to do, chances are somebody else has already taken those steps too - you just may not know about them! This week, write down your most perfect day. Write down exactly how you would like it to play out, like it to look, where you would be and who you would be with/around.
Doesn't matter if it first appears far fetched or unreachable - this exercise is allowing you the gift of having anything you want. Think of a Magic Genie coming to visit and giving you 1 wish - a wish for anything you desire. But play that 1 wish out in the timeframe of a day. Go big! Get hungry! Be a pioneer in something if you have to!
7. Passionate
This week, identify 1 thing you are passionate about. Something that you feel very strongly about - and write down a statement around this. Own it.
What is it that you're passionate about - and why? That thing that burns within you, that one thing that makes you eager and excited and energised! And if you can't think of anything, or have never thought about it before, then this is your opportunity to define something for yourself. Our passion is our strength. It's related to our true self, our authentic self, our true nature. It's our drive. You may have to go within to find it, or discover it, so that you can put it into words - but it's something that is already inside of you. Dig it out, remember it and embrace it as part of who you are!
Be gentle when embracing this energy, especially if it's not how you would normally approach things - and enjoy the beautiful, soft energy of tonight's Full Moon! I will be going through each of these activities myself, as part of my New Moon ritual tonight.
I'd love to hear about what you do for yours!...