Jess: Our Zero Waste Family
If you're not already following beautiful Jess and her family of 4's journey to a zero waste lifestyle, what are you doing?! You know you love a good DIY, you're being called to honour Mother Earth more, to clean up your consumerist lifestyle, look after yourself better, to ditch the plastics, toxins and chemicals and to find out more on sustainability.

And that's exactly what Jess is passionate about. I met Jess at one of my Women's Circles and she has taught me so much on all of these topics! I know you'll love her conscious and gentle approach too, so she's shared her tips with us below on how you can also start this journey.
My name is Jess. I'm 30...
and I am married to my high school sweet heart. We have been together for nearly 16 years. We have two beautiful children. Our son who is 4 and our daughter who is 2. My hubby is very supportive of our zerowaste journey which makes it easier.
One of my friends once told me that I'm a closet hippie and I think I agree.
I used to be very caught up in fast fashion and all the Kmart homewares. I still find myself wanting unnecessary things, but I've come a very long way. I'm going to be enrolling into a "herbalism" course this year. I would love my home to be a minimalist space that's still homely & represents who I am. So that's a little bit about me if you've ever wondered!
Jess has also been featured on as a guest writer!
Let's learn more from Jess...
Homemade Deodorant
Minimalist Wardrobe
Laundry Tips
Homemade Kombucha
Chemical Free Cosmetics
Vegetable Storage
And the most important of all when on a transformational journey; self care ladies!
Want more?
Visit Jess' Instagram page to follow regular posts with helpful tips and to get to know more about this amazing woman.