1. Please tell us a little about you and your amazing business!
My name's Emily, and I'm a student Naturopath and creator of The Purist Collection.
Image by Kate Drennan Photography
Six years ago, my Mum unfortunately fell quite ill. At the same time, I was actually going through quite a bit of dissatisfaction with my own health also. And I realised there must be a better, more healthful way than the conventional medicine route.
Long story short: I began seeing my fantastic naturopath, pulled out of the fashion college I'd been invited to attend in Sydney, enrolled in a Naturopathy degree here in Perth, and began experimenting with my own natural health and wellness. As a candle and beauty lover, of course my experimenting had to include these!
I've been making my own soy candles, medicinal herbal teas, and natural skincare products ever since - hence the birth of my baby, The Purist Collection.
In addition to formulating, hand-making and selling affordable natural products, I use my blog to educate and share my passion for a natural, healthy, happy life, helping to explain why natural is best and why avoiding conventional chemical-laden cosmetics is so important.
2. How do you define being more connected to your intuition and feminine energy?
I think it's really a feeling, and being open to experiencing it.
Listening to my intuition, my 'gut feel', is something that I find so valuable in my life - it's very rarely wrong about people and things. I find I'm quite an intuitive person, and always have been, so listening to my gut is pretty unavoidable for me.
Having said that, if I'm feeling super stressed-out or run-down, or just have too much going on, it's easy to get distracted and much harder to actually understand what it is that my intuition is trying to tell me. Finding peace through meditating - even its literally just a few quiet breaths - usually gives me the clarity I need.
3. What does a typical day in the 'wellness' world look like for you?
I'm actually really lucky - my 'day job' is at a natural health clinic, so every day I'm surrounded by people with a passion for living their healthiest lives, just like me :)
My average day usually starts with a mini meditation and a big, fat green smoothie, comprises of a mixture of clinic work and work on my business during the day (whether that be making, writing, meetings, or workshop hosting...or a combo of all of the above more frequently!), and some yoga, PT or a dance class in the evenings.
I took a break out from my studies for the second half of this year, which was desperately needed, but I'm looking forward to adding some study back into my average day in the new year. And as I reach the pointy end of my degree, I'm finding my study more and more interesting, inspiring and heart-filling.
4. To me the phrase 'We of the Moon' means...
I believe that we are all at one with all of nature - whether we recognise it or not, inherently we have this incredible, innate ability to heal ourselves, and nature is a vital part of that.
So I think, for me, 'We of the Moon' really represents that oneness with nature that is so important to our individual healing processes. But I think what I love most about Anita's 'We of the Moon' concept is that, not only are we at one with nature, but that we are at one with each other, too.
And that beautiful, Universal oneness holds so much power. When we come together to re-wild ourselves (I love that term, too!) and enhance our connection with nature, magical things can happen...
5. Tell me about an intention or goal that has manifested for you!
When I take the time to really think about my goals and intentions, when I ask for what it is that I really want, I'm amazed at how often things manifest just as I'd hoped.
They can be really small things - like recently, when I decided I wanted to get my writing out there more, and suddenly an old friend contacted me to ask if I'd be interested in writing for their new site.
I think the biggest manifestation for me, though, was my relationship with my current partner.
I had been in a real relationship rut, I was lonely, and started to think I'd be needing to get on the cat bandwagon far earlier than expected...but then I started putting all of my energy into loving myself.
I wrote in my journal about my dream man - what he'd look like, how he'd treat me, what he did for work, where his passions lay...every little detail. I read about crystal rituals, and created my own with rose quartz for soulmate manifestation. The next day, a message floated into my Facebook Messenger inbox. And the rest is history!
I believe that the Universe has more than enough for us. We just need to get specific on what we ask for.
6. What was your favourite part of the We of the Moon course?
I love to learn, and Anita is just so beautifully generous. Understanding how to individualise and tailor moon gatherings has been an incredible gift. Learning to harness the power of the Moon and manifestation has, and will continue to, help me in both my business and my personal journey.
7. Describe the type of woman you support through your work...
I'm really conscious of making my products and my blog relate-able and achievable, because I believe every woman has the right to live a healthy, happy life.
It makes me so happy that so many women are becoming more aware of the importance of opting natural where possible, but there's still a lot of misconception and misunderstanding out there, I think.
I love to educate and share my passion, and to bust that myth that natural is more expensive and not affordable or achievable - in fact, all of my products are under $50 for this very reason.
8. What is your favourite quote right now?
My favourite quotes are the ones I get every day from 'The Universe' - aka Mike Dooley, of 'Notes from The Universe'.
I signed up to these daily little love notes a few months back, and it's honestly my favourite part of the day. Little reminders to manifest magic, and that, even when things seem to be falling apart, really the Universe is putting better things together. I love them!
Here's one I received last week:
"These are the times, Emily - when hopes are dashed and chaos abounds - that golden opportunities, prized ideas and new friends emerge into the view of all, but at first are seen only by the few who look. Let's go crazy, The Universe."
9. What day and time will you be jumping online to support people in the course?
The 3rd Thursday of every month at 6pm AWST! Look forward to connecting with you within this space!
10. How can we find out more about you?
Website - www.thepuristcollection.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/ThePuristCollection
Instagram - www.instagram.com/thepuristcollection