Here Comes The Sun


Here Comes The Sun

Here Comes The Sun: Preparing for the Birth of Hunter Kye

Pregnancy has brought a lot of questions around how I prepared for Sage’s Natural Hypno Homebirth, and if/how I’m trying to plan for, and recreate, that experience for the birth of our baby boy.

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As far as sharing the tools I’ve used, my personal experience and the training I’ve done,

I feel a responsibility within me to do that. Because someone shared them with me, and on goes the generational passing down of (fear removed) self experienced wisdom...

This is a ‘grass roots’ book that celebrates the innate intelligence of mind, body and spirit in relation to birth.(Click image for more info)

This is a ‘grass roots’ book that celebrates the innate intelligence of mind, body and spirit in relation to birth.

(Click image for more info)

Non-Synthetic, Wholefood, Prenatal supplements that contain the equivalent of over 12 servings of fruits and vegetables and provide necessary vitamins and minerals to support pregnancy.(Click image for more info)

Non-Synthetic, Wholefood, Prenatal supplements that contain the equivalent of over 12 servings of fruits and vegetables and provide necessary vitamins and minerals to support pregnancy.

(Click image for more info)

This book is the textbook for HypnoBirthing training and will guide you through the philosophy and techniques of normal, gentle and positive birthing.(Click image for more info)

This book is the textbook for HypnoBirthing training and will guide you through the philosophy and techniques of normal, gentle and positive birthing.

(Click image for more info)

But the planning part...

Well that’s for Mother Nature to decide.

I trust in her, with patience and confidence. My labour will be, what is labelled as, spontaneous.

Just as my body was able to conceive our baby, grow and nurture our baby - it will also birth my baby.

But anything more on the 'how' - well it's two pronged.

There isn't much to plan, but there is a lot to prepare:

The mind, the body, the emotions and the soul. Not all the other 'stuff' that we are falsely sold since birthing went from something women knew how to do, to something we're now 'taught'.

But (and I speak her on behalf of myself and every other woman that finds it hard to find their voice around this) my plans around how I will birth my Son are privileged, private and sacred information. And just as we did for Sage's birth, our plans are just that - ours.

What is the need to know basis that arises when a pregnant woman carries a child.

When did it become normalised that her business became everybody's business?

Adding pressure, publicly discussing expectations or trying to control a situation that my female body needs to be completely surrendering within - would be counterproductive.

You can now probably see why a hospital setting does not create that space for me. But of course I am completely grateful that we live in a privileged time, in a privileged country - that I can count on this structure to support me should the small chance of an emergency arise during birth (less than 5% of women when there are no unnecessary interventions introduced). And I would never take that for granted.

Yet, receiving feedback (requested or not) around the way I choose to birth my babies is not an open forum.

And should be the case for every pregnant Mama! Unfortunately when a woman becomes pregnant, she becomes the topic of open discussion, opinion, criticism, questioning and advice. And maybe it stems from the traditional 'a village raises a child' lineage - but most of us are so far removed from this as an authentic way of life, that it comes across with little of the original intent.

So, as I did before, I do the energy work myself, tap in, tune in - and then take the guided action from there.

I’m committed to my daily HypnoBirthing training, meditation and visualisations. I’ve nurtured myself and my Son holistically, taken the necessary steps to ensure my preferred choices are recorded (but then I don’t revisit Plan B, to keep that pathway active).

The biggest thing I can do is to stay within the highest possible vibration, in keeping in alignment with the best possible outcome for the birth of our boy.



I remove myself from conversations related to other’s experiences, when they are being imposed on me to change my mind or smother my enthusiasm - because they are their experiences, and don't have to be my own.

I disengage from the illusion that we connect on a deeper level through the continual retelling and recirculating of low vibrational stories of trauma or hardship, in an effort to create feelings of ‘normalcy’, connectedness, triumph or community - or in preparation for the unexpected/the worst.

I don’t believe pain is an ideal space to connect from and I don’t believe it serves us in the best way to engage with each other, in order to 'bring awareness' to things. I don't believe it's being a realist or sharing the truth at all. Because one person's truth does not have to be another's. Once shared, these experiences should be transformed and transmuted - not become your story, and then become You.

I block out any negative comments or remarks from those that don't believe in, or align with, my birthing choices - and block other's anxiousness, nervousness or any other non serving emotion. Because I make the choice around how I feel. We all have the power and control to determine how we feel. Nobody can make you feel anything.

I avoid (or strongly protect myself from) negativity, ego centred or aggressive behaviour, projection, competition, judgement and any situation or person that is low vibrational - in general. To hear that I was 'lucky' to birth my daughter the way I did, was common for me - yet I am conscious enough to realise this was a projection of someone else's pain - and I have no room at this precious time, to be able to carry that load for somebody else who needs to empower themselves to do their own healing.

I also choose a certain time during my pregnancy to step back and retreat into my cocoon, before the birth of my babies, and whilst most of the time this is respected, when it is not I have full strength in strengthening those boundaries. With no apologies.

That may all sound arrogant or judgmental, and at other times I would allow myself to be a vessel to help transform that energy for others - but at certain times (pregnancy especially)

I unapologetically take complete responsibility for my energy and space.

Because it's not just my own at that point - there is another life residing within me.

And ALL women should be respected and able to do exactly this. To be able to intrinsically follow their bodies, their babies and what nature is asking them to do. To protect their space without anyone else being offended or hurt.

I also answer questions lightly. 

Especially around the ‘guess date’ - it’s not a due date, because that includes a schedule or feelings of early/late/rush. A due date can induce fear and doubt and questions, when it was never a certainty anyway.

"Before drug companies made gestation calculating wheels and gave them, with their brand names emblazoned on them, to all the doctors to use; before ultrasonic scans were used to measure bone length of babies in the womb to match that with the length of the average and then estimate gestation age; before electricity dominated the rhythms of our lives, when women ovulated on the full moon - a woman marked the progress of her pregnancy according to the turnings of the moon. Her baby would be born in the tenth moon from her last blood. Birth can be trusted." - Jane Hardwicke Collings 

Plus - doesn’t a sense of wonder related to the unknown feel so much better than control.

Control stemming from fear?

I also aim to completely escape the societal fear around pregnancy and birth and the encouragement of not trusting in our own bodies and in not taking deeply connected, self directed, empowered care of ourselves. And I completely disregard the notion that birth is dangerous. It should be respected.

But for me it is much closer to Life, than Death.

The basis of this mindset for me, stems from the foundations of my HypnoBirthing Training - as a Mama and a Facilitator. I undertook this training (no, not just read the book) because i was deeply fearful of birthing. I undertook this training because i was told as early as a teen, that I would never be able to birth naturally - if at all, due to my severe Scoliosis.

Hypnobirthing is not just about the removal of fear. It is deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of being built to birth as a woman. In the ancient wisdom that pregnancy and birth complications are the absolute minority, but have somehow become the majority.

  • 77% of HypnoBirthing mothers who birthed vaginally did so without epidural anesthesia - I birthed drug free.

  • 45% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed in under eight hours - My birth was 5 hours long with Sage

  • 17% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed via C-section, compared with the national average of 32% - I birthed vaginally.

  • 9.5% of HypnoBirthing mothers chose to birth in the comfort of their homes (national average is less than 1%) - I birthed at home.

  • 6% of HypnoBirthing mothers chose to birth in freestanding birth centres (national average is less than 1%) - I had a spot at a low intervention Birthing Centre with Sage as a back up, available to Mothers who had a low risk pregnancy.

(Data provided by HypnoBirthing Institute, between 2005-2010)

Well hello there our Sun. Those chubby fingers are your big sister’s - and she told us she was going to have a 'baby brother', even before we knew

Well hello there our Sun. Those chubby fingers are your big sister’s - and she told us she was going to have a 'baby brother', even before we knew

How else am I preparing?

I get in sync with the natural rhythms, season and cycles.

I also work from the ground up, when it comes to empowering myself with knowledge, rather than work backwards from the ‘structures’ already in place. I don’t fight the current system, reject it or create a birth plan around choosing the opposite of conventional.

I connect with the ‘ground roots’ and work upwards with a simplification attitude

- from the foundation of what my body was built to do, with little intervention; and add on whatever else is needed - if it is. And this is where the Down to Earth Birth Book comes in. It should be a Bible for expectant Mamas.

Someone once said to me after Sage’s birth that I was a Warrior. Although I know it was intended as a compliment and said with love - it didn’t sit right with me at all.

I felt I embodied the opposite.

I didn’t fight for anything. I didn’t draw on the Ego or Masculine within me for strength. And I definitely didn’t physically ‘push’ my body. I let my body do it for me. I was allowed the time and space and safety to do so. I let my baby decide how it was all going to unfold. I released energy through primal moans and sighs.

I embodied the open, receptive, trusting, confident nature of the feminine.

Naked. Raw. Seeking support when I needed it, but being completely empowered in going within for strength. Drawing on my own ability to be in my own space and do it on my own too.

Although there was certainty, I was a student of the experience.

And will be again.

Whenever we believe we as humans have more understanding of the way the infinite intelligence of creation and nature unfolds - we become completely disconnected from the Magick that it’s trying to weave around us. We completely lose touch with our opportunity to ‘BEarth’. (The most amazing term I’ve heard yet, created by my @doulatrish - that I’m so grateful to journey with!)

In re-reading this, I noticed there are a lot of “I’s”, which I usually try to avoid when writing - but I know now that this was significant. For you can only share and affect change from a place of direct experience. For you are the only one that can birth your baby, Mama. For you are the one that knows best and cares the most for your body and your baby.

For you are more intelligent, in touch with, invested in and knowledgeable in pregnancy, birth and Mamahood than what you've been led to believe.

More than anyone else on the planet, no matter their qualifications.

There is a real problem in our culture when Medical Professional (in all areas - the body, the mind, etc) have taken far too much responsibility and credit for the outcomes of the service we have asked to engage in. Their role is to provide a service - the outcome is our responsibility, based on our choices, empowered in the knowledge that we hold full accountability for ourselves. And it should always remain that way. This has been stripped away, but it's our time to claim our SELVES back.

Do what you need to do Mama.

Go within and ask that of yourself, and of your baby.

You will know.

And carve out that path for you, for the Wise Womban that you are.

Reclaim it.

And do it unapologetically.

It is your birth right to do so.



Copaiba: Heaven Scent

My daily drops.

Analgesic + Antioxidant + Nervous System Soother.

1 of each under the tongue every morning and night, now a necessary part of my daily self care routine.


But first - Copaiba.

I knew this particular Earth Medicine instantly relieved my back pain. I knew it instantly calmed me down. It also helped me immensely with the after pains following Hunter’s birth (give me labour over that any day!) I knew Copaiba had been frequently compared to CBD/Medicinal Marijuana.

But it's only now that I've really taken the time to understand just how...⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Medicinal Marijuana contains CBD and Copaiba contains BCP.

CBD and BCP are different, but are both Cannabinoids.

Therefore they both interact with our body's CB2 receptors to give us the therapeutic benefits of pain relief, decreased inflammation, reduced #anxiety, nervous system support and much more.

The difference?

BCP (in Copaiba) is in a much more concentrated form.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  • CBD derived from hemp has a 2-4% concentration

  • CBD deceived from cannabis/marijuana has a 5-35% concentration

  • BCP derived from doTERRA's Copaiba has a 60% concentration

The other incredible thing about doTERRA's Copaiba is that doTERRA is the first company to formulate their Copaiba Oil using 4 different species of Copaiba Tree, to increase the therapeutic potential, potency, and diversity of the potency - making it the highest concentrated #Cannabinoid available.

Also, doTERRA sold more Copaiba in it's month of release, than they projected for the entire year. Suppose people were having some pretty good results then? I know I have.

So has my Dad who suffers with Parkinson’sD isease and it's relentless tremors.

So has my lovely friend who's son has high functioning Autism.

I could go on...


Freebirth: Hunter's Story


Freebirth: Hunter's Story

Listen to my interviews on Hunter’s Freebirth

Free Birth Society

Positive Birth Australia

The Renegade Mama

Or read my words below…

It was around 3:30am on the 8th of August, when I was awoken by a crampy feeling in my belly. Creeping out of bed, sliding out from underneath Sage’s arm (#cosleepinglife), she said aloud in her sleep;

“I see Hunter?!”

(Translation: I want to see Hunter!)

It was at that moment that I thought - how freaky!

But - yay he’s coming!

The day before, I’d called Rhys at work, with the last slither of fear around freebirthing arising. “I’m pretty sure he’s breach bub, or sideways, or in a weird position, or something. It’s giving me anxiety, I think I’m going to go to the Doctors just to check.”

Although I wasn’t too worried about him being breech, because I knew he could turn last minute or be birthed breech regardless, I just couldn’t figure out how he was positioned at all! He was all over to the left in a curve. I’d tried to Belly Map, but I just could not figure out what he was doing in there! I’d had the sharp pains of engagement earlier but they’d stopped. And for some reason it was playing on my mind.

I could hear Rhys’ surprise when I’d said I wanted to see a Doctor

…(only seeing one twice throughout the entire pregnancy), but being my rock as always he just said calmly; “yep no worries, we can do that this afternoon, yeah?” So we went to a local bulk-billing GP that I’d never seen before - and came back home none the wiser! Seems the Doc couldn’t figure out his position either. Apparently, though, I needed to do that to get into a safe space in my mind before I birthed.

Maybe it was some sort of old, deep-seeded societal conditioning (that birth is a medical event), pulled from within my subconscious. My outdated belief system…?

Or maybe it was some kind of early transition?? Maybe I was in labour at that point and didn’t know it? Could’ve been, since he arrived a short 13-ish hours later? Fast forward to Sage talking in her sleep, which she often does, and I was doing the weird - ‘am I actually in labour?"‘ questioning. Just as I did with Sage’s birth.

I went to the toilet, thinking maybe that’s what the tummy cramps were about, but after I got back I had another few crampy feelings. So I decided to screenshot my phone every time I had one, to capture the time and see if these ‘feelings’ were regular. Not to time my surges (I’ve never monitored my surges during labour, or known my dilation - cos, why…?)

But yeah, they were regular!

So, just like my birth with Sage,

I immediately went into ‘Hypnobirthing’ mode.

I had always visualised birthing Hunter in our backroom, looking out the big back window at the gumtrees and into the night sky. But somehow that space seemed too open, too cold, too exposed. I decided the warm bedroom where Sage and Rhys were sleeping, and where the heater was on, was the perfect spot to labour. And I was so certain of that. (And that’s what is meant by trusting yourself during birth, no matter what your ‘plans’ were.)

I grabbed my birth altar props that I had out in the back room (candles, crystals, essential oils and Goddess Oracle Cards) and I started setting up a birth altar on my bedroom dresser. Yep - this is the perfect spot to be, I decided. Definitely not in my original plans, but as I said - a woman in labour is always most connected to her instincts and intuition! So I was not going to let my logical mind question my heightened intuition at that moment.

The dimly lit room and the light snoring of both Rhys and Sage in our bed made me just as I needed to feel - safe.

I grabbed a towel, got on all fours and got into some suggested positions from the Spinning Babies website, because I was still sure Hunter was in a weird position. And once I did that there was A LOT of movement in my belly! It honestly felt like he flipped, but I will never know if he turned into the perfect position, if he already was, if he would have anyway, or if he was just moving downward - but I remember saying aloud ‘whoa’ at the intense movements. Yet, he still felt quite high up.


After about an hour of peacefully labouring on my own, sniffing Wild Orange Essential Oil from the bottle (which this time stopped the nausea in its tracks - I wasn’t vomiting like l was with Sage), using my birthing techniques, listening to my Rainbow Relaxation in my headphones and whispering to Hunter at the same time - everything started to intensify. At that point Rhys and Sage woke up together and saw the glow of the candles and the altar already set up on the bedroom dresser. I said to Rhys something like “pretty sure this is happening bub'“ and he said (groggily); “really? You all good? Want me to do anything?”

It was at that moment that I should have reminded him to go and get the GoPro Camera that we had borrowed from his brother, with a fully charged battery that we had ready to go, weeks ago. But I forgot about it too and said calmly; “no, I’m OK. I’m going to message my Doula soon.”

“Maybe wait a bit bub, it might take a while.” And the memory of Rhys telling me the exact same thing whilst I was in labour with Sage (and the absolute certainty it wasn’t going to ‘take a while’ last time too) was just as strong this time!

I said; “oh no, he’ll be here before sunrise for sure.”

“Nah, that’s in a few hours Neet!'“, he said. I whipped out my phone again and Googled what time sunrise would be - at the same time my surges became a little stronger.

Sunrise was 6:40am.

So I messaged her at 4:42am - I’m having surges! After a few texts back and forth, she left hers about 5:15am. I let her know that my surges weren’t too intense, they were OK. I hadn’t had any other signs of labour yet either - no show, nothing. When she did arrive, she walked into me being in full blown established labour, which was only half an hour later!

Books I read + recommend reading…

During that half hour, Sage and Rhys were with me the entire time. Sage was hugging my leg and whispered a few times “you OK Mummy?” as I’d started to become a bit more vocal. I also started rising up on my toes with each surge, as I gripped the edge of the dresser. I assured her I was and gave her big cuddles during the lull of the surges.

We had prepared her during my pregnancy for Hunter’s birth. We’d shown her birthing videos (The Birth Into Being films) and she not only became obsessed with watching that, she was also a huge fan of the Instagram privacy policy being lifted, as she wanted to watch every single birth video that came up on my suggested list! We’d spoken to her a lot about Hunter’s arrival and what would happen and that Mummy might make some noises, and where Hunter was going to arrive from. She was as excited as we were with him arriving, and we kept telling her that night; ‘Hunter is coming now!”

When my Doula arrived at about 5:45am-ish, I burst into tears.

It was a huge release! If you’ve ever had a BirthKeeper with you during birth, you’ll know the feminine energy they bring into the room when they arrive. For me, I know there is someone who can match my energy and hold that space for me entirely, whilst I completely let go. Rhys and Sage were amazing birth keepers, don’t get me wrong - and even though I know I have walked this Earth with my children and Rhys many times before, I also know I have done the same with my Doulas, as well as sat in Circle with them. We’ve discussed women’s sacred wisdom over many lifetimes, I’m certain of it - and it all floods back to me when I’m with them.

This moment was also right about when I went somewhere else.

It’s hard for me to remember what happened, it’s the time Mamas often describe as leaving their physical body and going into the Ether to get their baby and bring them back down, Earthside. The consciousness of this moment was like a lightning bolt, when one large intense surge brought me right back down into my body. It was the same moment my Doula whispered something to me whilst she whisked her Raven’s wing around my body.

It’s something I’ll never forget and at that moment the Divine Feminine entered the room.

I felt her.

And she patiently waited for me to surrender and hand over my birth, to the natural flow of nature. As I did, she took me right to the edge. This was definitely transition, because the veil was thin. I could sense my complete surrender and trust as she held out her hands for me to take, and my respect for the life and death border that is presented to you at this exact moment was the strongest I’d ever felt it.


This moment right here…

is (what I truly believe) has shaped the way our Birthing Industry operates. It’s a succumbing to the fear of the unknown that it brings. A lack of respect of this natural process, of our birthing women, of our babies - and the need for huMANs to control it.

And this is the worst perception, because there is no control. You either allow it to be what it is going to be, or you let your mind convince you there is something ‘wrong’ - because you’re not leading the process. Mother Nature is.

You are presented with an opportunity to disagree with the fear, and just let what ever is happening, happen. Or let fear handle your decisions. This moment is something women will never be able to truly explain. I believe this is the moment you are presented with all of your ‘stuff’, in one intense moment. All at once. If you haven’t healed or processed them beforehand. And that can be scary - if you’re not willing, or wanting, to let go of them.

Physiologically, this is also the moment we are flooded with adrenalin. We enter flight or fight, in order for our bodies to be able to have the energy to get through this stage. If you know this, and are able to fully trust everything at that moment - your baby is coming undisturbed.

This is the moment where, I know for sure that, if I was in any other environment, I may be at risk of leaning into external opinion or direction. And for me, that risk is far more dangerous than ‘freebirthing’.

Safety for me, is a completely undisturbed process of my body, mind and soul doing what it was built to do, during labour.


It wasn’t long after this, that I had that same sense that my water was about to break - although I never know that’s what that ‘sense’ is. I said; “quick! Help me into the shower.” I felt a sense or urgency to get in there, and once I did, my waters broke. It was a huge, intense gush that Rhys heard from the bedroom! And the relief, oh the relief! I think I even let out an ‘ahhhhhh’. I waddled into the shower and untangled from the pj’s I had on. And Rhys was with Sage in the bedroom. I turned the warm shower on, as that early morning was still a tad chilly, as well as the fact that water always calms me when I’m in labour.

I asked for Rhys, something along the lines of “I need Rhys now” - and in the entry way to the bathroom, Rhys and my Doula ‘swapped shifts’ supporting Sage. That gush of water had pushed Hunter right down, and almost through. His head was now crowning, and I grabbed Rhys to help me inside the shower - whilst Sage watched from outside the tiny cubicle.

I was pretty vocal at this point. I had been breathing him down so perfectly that he was coming down so easily. I had this need to bear down, whilst I used Rhys’ shoulders and neck to hold the rest of my body up. But then - “Quick! You’re going to have to get him”, I said. “He’s coming out fast!” And with that, I pushed him down from a standing position, to a squat. He cupped his hands underneath me and I heard;

“reach down and touch your baby’s head.”

So I did. And I will never forget that feeling. That immediate and beautiful connection. The way his wrinkly head felt. And then - as fast as I had dragged Rhys into shower with me, I pushed him out! Hunter was coming, and he was coming fast. As soon as Rhys was out of the shower, I got down onto all fours with my head sticking out of the shower door. Rhys said - “have you got this Neet? You’re going to have to do this, we can’t get in there to grab him.”

Yep, I said. But Rhys wasn’t convinced - so moments before the amazing (wonderful, magnificent, magical!) Fetal Ejection Reflex pushed Hunter out, Rhys threw a folded up towel on the shower floor underneath me. And underneath him! He came out so quickly that my attempt to catch him one handed underneath, from above, was matched with Rhys’ forearm shooting into the shower and breaking Hunter’s fall!

We brought him up and I noticed the Umbilical Cord was wrapped around his neck.

He was wriggling around attempting to unwrap himself (the intuitiveness and primal consciousness of babies!) So I gave him a hand and unwound it. I pulled him to face me and he greeted us with the biggest smile (2nd pic below.) An ear to ear smile that assured me that everything was absolutely fine when his first breath seemed to take far too long.

This had been one of the fears of birth that I had to walk through and get face to face with. And only weeks before I had seen a video of a homebirth where the baby had taken several minutes to take in his first breath. Thanks to his Mama’s calmness and knowledge that this is extremely common and natural, as baby’s airways adjust to breathing, and circulating, Oxygen. I had spoken to Rhys about this also, and therefore we adopted the same temperament when Hunter’s little body was limp, floppy, grey - and he was yet to breathe.

I rubbed his little back, and continued the communication with him that I had been having with him since he crowned. “Come on mate, you’re safe, everything’s OK, Mummy’s here, you’re OK, deep breath in.” Thinking back to this moment, I am once again grateful that I was managing my own birth, as opposed to an immediate removal from the mother, cutting of the Umbilical Cord (the Umbilical Cord… where babies are still breathing from at that moment) and oxygen mask application ‘procedure.’

He drew in a huge breath, and we all took one in at the same time. His body turned pink and he let out a huge cry. Here I am world! At the same time as Sage yelled out; “yay! the babies here!”

And so he was.

At at 6:38am.

Just 2 minutes shy of sunrise, on the magical 8th of the 8th Lion’s Gate.


Now… I feel it in my bones, that this story might trigger a lot of you.

For your own individual reasons.

But at the end of the day, this is my story and my choices.

They are not mainstream, they are ‘unconventional’ in relationship to our birthing views at this time on Earth. But, just at this time. Expand your mind a little, outside of your own consciousness and remember that ‘birth’ has been happening since, well - you know, the start of mankind! And the way you may believe birth should unfold, is only one way. And one way in one, very very short, period of time on this planet.

So I share this story, as an ode to my amazing Sun Hunter Kye, his fiercely awakened sister Sage Luna, his unconditionally loving father Rhys and to WOMBen all across the world. Those who have birthed, those who have not, and those who wish to…

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The Low Tox Christmas Gift Guide


The Low Tox Christmas Gift Guide

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An Energetic Experience of Frankincense


An Energetic Experience of Frankincense

Step off the treadmill guys, just for a few moments whilst you read this and allow yourself to experience the present - and expand your consciousness through the words you’re about to read.

Slow down.

Christmas is 1 day, that’s it.

Don’t subscribe to the hype. The busy-ness. Switch over to receiving mode, just for this window of time, rather than what you’ve been following along with. Focus on giving to yourself totally right now, rather than what you’ve been giving away - your focus, energy, attention. Whatever you’ve been draining yourself of.

I have a gift for you to receive - fill up your cup...

And here it is. Free for you. Not only a vibrational experience of Frankincense via these words, but the tangible bottle placed into your hands in December. Did I mention, for free?


The Father Oil. The lifeforce of the Boswelia Tree in Somalia. The energetic essence that balances the masculine within us. Which helps us to lean into the comforting, protective energy of our patriarchal world, without always feeling frustrated by it's imbalance.

Franki - the oil of light.

I always say if the intention of the term Namaste was an essential oil, it would be Frankincense. The light in me honours the light in you. This is how Franki opens up our heart and connects you with your Higher Self. That voice that knows judging others, judging yourself and falling into any sort of seperatedness does not align with your highest, truest self.

Franki whispers a little louder than the Ego…

…when we allow him into our 4 bodies. He is the high vibrational state of joy that a child lives in, that flows through our veins and expands beyond our physical shell. Frankincense under the tongue, massaged into the fine lines around your eyes, rubbed onto the bottom of your children's feet when their defences need fortifying. 

Frankincense shot out from the diffuser, clinging to water particles and hanging in the air, becoming the aura of your home - and then your body. Travelling in through your airways, journeying up to the Limbic part of your brain, triggering emotional healing, mental cleansing and then entering every cell in your body to repair what needs attention.

Whilst you’re doing other things, living life...he does this for us.

Frankincense, the masculine hug, the fatherly shoulder to lean upon, the channeller of higher energies down into your crown, but then out through your feet and into Mother Earth (the perfect union of masculine and feminine) without the residual dizziness after spiritual work. 

Frankincense sourced and harvested where he's thriving. (Read more on doTERRA’s philanthropic efforts regarding this here.) Where the conditions to grow strong and vibrant and full of the Great Goddess, pulse strongly. Ethically and sustainably harvested. Frankincense. No not your 'other' brand of Frankincense...doTERRA's Frankincense. If your connection to our Great Mother is strong - you know and feel this anyway. 

Franki - you are the oil of Truth and that’s why I love you so much. 

We’re all fizzin’ for Franki right now because he is a FREE GIFT to you if you place a 200+ point order - whether you’re a doTERRA customer yet or not. And doTERRA gives him away every year in December. This time of year gives us an opportunity to really appreciate this ancient and magnificent oil. As well as demonstrate to you just how generous this beautiful company is.

This is the month to get started on your natural wellness journey sisters. To get these oils (and Franki!) into your hands before you kick off the new year. Again - Christmas is 1 day. Value your health and wellness more than what you’re prescribing to right now.

Do this for yourself, don’t wait until next year. For some of you, that ‘later in time’ moment will never come.

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From Monday 19th November for 5 days only you will receive 1 FREE oil when you purchase the product of the day!

2 for 1 deals all week!

10 oils for the price of 5!

Buy just one deal, or all of them!

purchasing instructions

summer '20(8).jpg

Some deals from the last BOGO…



An opportunity to try doTERRA Essential Oils - at half the price.

An opportunity to try some of the oils you haven’t tried before.

A faster and cheaper way to build up your doTERRA collection.

The perfect way to start your doTERRA oils collection.

Learn about how to use these oils a couple at a time.

Buy an oil for yourself and gift the other to someone for Chrissy.


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Supplements: Literally Re-build Your Body


Supplements: Literally Re-build Your Body

Did you know you can re-build your entire body in one year?

95% of the cells in your body will die and be replaced approximately every 365 days. This means that, depending on what you're feeding your cells, your body will rebuild itself into something better - or something worse.

And some organs work even faster - like within a matter of weeks! The Liver will completely rebuild itself in 6 weeks, the lining of our gut in 5 days and the surface layer of our skin (epidermis) is recycled every 2-4 weeks!

So why aren't we taking advantage of this opportunity to re-create our physical bodies?

Or taking steps towards this every single day?

I know most people would desire to have a healthier, better performing, thriving physical body. So maybe we've tried...with little results? If that's the case, there's a valid reason behind this. And I'll tell you why. It is actually impossible to completely thrive via just food, in the world that we live in today. Regardless of how healthy you are or what diet you're living by - Raw, Vegan, etc.

Are you taking Supplements?

A Multivitamin?

Are they working?

This is actually the saddest part - that even if we are trying our absolute best to feed our body with the right nutrition, in 2018 it's extremely rare NOT to be nutrient and vitamin deficient due to the soil quality our fruits and vegetables are grown in (organic or not), plus the environmental toxins clogging our body and blocking absorption - no matter how many detoxes we do. So, maybe we're not all aware of this. And maybe we are, and we're trying our best to do the right things. But regardless;

many of us are not investing in the future of our health and bodies.

We're eating for now, busy, rushed, doing our best and focused on cures rather than prevention. We're looking for quick fixes for the things we're conscious of in our bodies right at this very moment. Not thinking about down the track. Not making an effort to continually live a high vibrancy natural lifestyle - to promote prevention, to turn off what might be coming down the road and so that disease goes away as a by-product of how we live. So, how do we invest in this for our future health?

How do we improve our Cellular Vitality and Energy, daily?

We have to supplement our diet.


To be honest, because I had already ridden the wave of supplements, and then started to see more and more being presented (some as tiny bits of fruit in a clear capsule??), I was skeptical. Until I did my own research on the topic and learned there was actually a science behind it, rather than just marketing.

If you' are already taking a multi vitamin, or (several!) supplement/s of some sort, I want you to ask yourself these questions:

  1. Does the product you're taking have more than 100 ingredients in it?

  2. Are the dosages of each ingredient a therapeutic amount (ie enough dosage to create change in the body)?

  3. Does the company/brand offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not feeling more energy in that time?

  4. Does the company/brand specify quality and plant potency, details of ingredient sourcing and do they emphasise that they include plants with the highest constituents possible?

  5. Do you notice a change in your body and the way you feel, or do you just trust that they are working?

  6. And if you tallied up the cost of ALL your supplements, do they cost you more than $80/month?

I think I know the answer to most of the above. You know why? Because I've been there! I've tried almost every supplement, vitamin, mineral, 'multi' there is! Because I too was looking for more energy, for the best way to support certain body systems, to thrive, to feel better, to cure an ailment, to gain optimal cellular health. But I never really achieved it...

All I got was a Fluro Yellow 'Vita-Pee'


If we are actively taking additional supplements, then most of us are not doing it right.

The figures tell us this...

Just like you, the outcomes was that I was weeing out all my dollars. My body wasn't absorbing much of what I was giving it - no matter how my committed I was at taking them.

Let's chat about the traditional Vitamin and Mineral deficiency signs:

  • A lack of enegry

  • Fatigue

  • Mood irritability

  • Immune function compromised

  • Bone health and joint discomfort

  • Skin, hair, nails weakness

If this is you, please let me open your consciousness to 3 Supplements that work on vitality and energy at a Cellular level.

3 Supplements that...

  • will start your cells communicating with each other again

  • that ONLY include therapeutic amounts of ingredients (ie enough dosage that it will actually affect change in your body)

  • that encourage your body to naturally produce more Mitochondria in your cells (are NOT a stimulant)

  • and that come in 3 bottles - the equivalent to over 10 different bottles of supplements, and approximately $340/month if you were to buy the same in a chemist/health food store

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As I said, I was skeptical about diving back into the supplement world, especially because I had already been using doTERRA Essential Oils for a couple of years and I wondered - why do I need these too? So I bought some and tried them, because I knew they were doTERRA"s most popular product, but I started without doing a great deal of research. But the way I felt after a couple of days got me intrigued.

I wanted to know everything about these things - and WHY/HOW they were making me feel so good! Then my mind was blown even more. Let's start with your...

1. Your Multivitamin (MicroPlex VMZ)

  • Your Food Nutrient Complex

  • The equivalent to 10+ servings of fruit and vegetables

  • VM standing for Vitamin Mineral - or you're 'multivitamin'

  • This tablet covers your complete Vitamin and Mineral Recommended Daily Intake profile. Wow.

  • And it is formulated as a Food Matrix (so that your body recognises it as food), helping it to become more available to your body. This is why I've never peed yellow with these!

  • It includes 22 Essential Vitamins (including A, C, E + B Vitamins) and Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Selenium, Manganese), natural folate. For pregnant Mamas a natural/non-synthetic Folate is extremely important - most offered to you are not.

2. Your Essential Fatty Acids (xEO Mega)

  • A combination of Land and Marine Omega 3 Fatty Acids and 9 Essential Oils

  • 80% of us are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Also offering a Vegan Version - Omegas sourced from only plant sources

  • Supporting your body's cell growth, brain development, muscle activity, immune function, joint health, mental clarity, heart and circulatory health, glowing skin

  • Reduces inflammation in body (inflammation in the body = the root of all disease).

  • 9 Essential Oils: Franki, Clove, Thyme, Chamomile, Cumin, Orange, Ginger, Carraway, Peppermint

  • Also includes: natural vitamin D, natural vitamin E, and pure astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant harvested from micro-algae (which passes the blood brain barrier)

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3. Your Energy Blend (Alpha CRS+)

  • Super powerful antioxidant (need antioxidants to support body with overload or excess of free radicals.)

  • Clean energy! Not a stimulant, encourages body to produce more Mitochondria in the cells.

  • Supports cellular energy by supporting healthy mitochondria and creating energy production. (Mitochondira are the energy factory of the body, if you increase more at a cellular level, your body natural increases in energy.)

  • Help support your body on a cellular level - our cells rely on communication pathways to perform. When cells are under stress, they respond defensively to reduce the stressor - damaging cells.

  • Includes Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Resin from Frankincense, GSE (Grapeseed extract) and more.


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My Easy Morning Routine with Essential Oils


My Easy Morning Routine with Essential Oils

  • But how will I have time to use all the oils?
  • Will this be another waste of money on products I won't use?
  • Morning time is way too busy to be adding all these oils into it!
  • What do I do with my oils when I get them?

I got you covered!

  • Do you wish you had more energy in the morning?
  • Could easily boost and support your family's immune system?
  • Protect your family from chemicals and toxins?
  • Start the day energised, yet calm and relaxed?
  • Start the day more focused?
  • Get your gut health in check from the moment you wake up?
  • Send your kids off for their day focused and grounded?
  • And also have time for self care routines!?

Besides being able to have 150 Ways to use 10 awesome Essential Oils on hand in this download, I'm going to run through how I use Essential Oils every morning in my home; and for myself personally - as well as the ways in which I've easily and quickly added them to my already existing morning routine.

Because let's face it, who has extra time or energy in the mornings to add much else to it?!


(Stay tuned for my daily practices and nightime routine - coming soon...)

Step 1: Bathroom

As soon as I wake I'm off to the bathroom, and this is where I use the oils to wake myself up, get my mind clear and focused for the day and also help my body to eliminate all the toxins it wants to get rid of after a long night of rejuvenating, healing, restoring and cleansing my body.

1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil goes into my hands...

I rub my hands together and take a big breath in. This immediately clears my sinuses if they're stuffy (men - been snoring all night!?), invigorates my whole system and wakes my whole self up!

1 drop of Lemon Essential Oil then goes into the bottom of my glass...

I top it up with water and down that straight away. Lemon Essential Oil is the Oil of focus and concentration, so for anyone that's not a morning person, is a Mama with Mama Brain, has a foggy head after shift work, didn't get enough sleep the night before, has a high focus job, is a student or you just need to get your brain kickstarted - this will do it!

Not only that, your body has spent the last 6-12 hours whilst you slept, working to eliminate all the waste and toxins that it doesnt need, from your body. The water and the Lemon Essential Oil will aid this elimination process, get your digestion started and cleanse your body from the inside out - whilst balancing your PH levels (from Acidic to Alakline) from the moment you wake up!

Step 2: Diffuser (Loungeroom or Kitchen)

I turn the Diffuser on straight away, to make sure I'm setting the tone of the house right off the bat - and then I open all the curtains to let the day in!

4 drops of EasyAir Blend straight into the Diffuser...

This beautiful blend (The Oil of Breath) also sets the scene for one of my own self care practices - being present with correct breathing. I was always a shallow breather, but EasyAir encourages and reminds me to take full deep breaths consciously - and subconsciously. And I start this right from the time I wake up - when that diffuser goes on.

As our 'respiratory blend' or 'chemical free Vicks', it also helps me with any Hayfever symptoms, sneezing or stuffiness - which, if I'm going to get, usually happens in the morning. Perfect too if there's been any sniffles around or if the kids have runny noses on those cold winter mornings.

I find the Roman Chamomile in the EasyAir blend also keeps the house calm and relaxed during the morning rush too.

Step 3: To the shower!

I drop of Tea Tree/Melaleuca into my face wash / body wash / shampoo...

as this Essential Oil is cleansing and purifying, with it's antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties - especially if you're prone to blotches or spots on your face and neck, or an itchy and dry scalp. I know teens that have had great results using this in their daily face washing routine, and also adults suffering from adult/pregnancy acne, whilst others with dandruff have benefited also.

Also very beneficial to add a drop to your body wash, for those with inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and those prone to blotches or spots on their chest, shoulders or back.

And for those detoxing from conventional deodorants (yes, we are supposed to sweat!), there is often a period of time when the build up of toxins from years of suppressing your sweat, will release and mix with your natural bacteria - creating a touch of a tang under there! The Antifungal properties of Tea Tree Essential Oil will stop that fungus growing, and therefore the smelliness.

1 drop of Frankincense + 1 drop of Lavender added to my face moisturiser/rosehip oil

Frankincense Essential Oil is a resin which works deeply on your skin, affecting the deeper dermal layers. Think fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and dark areas.

"Frankincense has the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages. It may help tone and lift skin, reduce the appearance of scars and acne, and heals wounds. It may also be beneficial for fading of stretch marks, surgery scars or marks associated with pregnancy, and for healing dry or cracked skin.

Studies suggest that it’s the pentacyclic triterpene (steroid-like) structure of frankincense essential oil that contributes to its soothing effect on irritated skin." - Dr. Axe


And Lavender is incredibly smoothing to the skin, with it's anti inflammatory and calming properties, so will relax and soothe the skin - taking out any redness or dryness. (This is why it's the perfect Essential Oil for any burns.)

Free radicals, like toxins, chemicals and pollutants cause unbelievable damage to our bodies - and where does this often show up first? In our skin.

"The body’s natural response to free radical damage is to create antioxidant enzymes — especially glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD); that prevent these free radicals from doing their damage. Unfortunately, your body can actually become deficient in antioxidants if the free radical burden is great enough...because of poor diet and high exposure to toxins.

Thankfully, lavender essential oil is a natural antioxidant that works to...(increase)...the activity of the body’s most powerful antioxidants - glutathione, catalase and SOD....More recent studies have indicated similar results, concluding that lavender has antioxidant activity and helps to prevent or reverse oxidative stress." - Dr Axe.

1 drop of Frankincense + 1 drop of Lavender added to Fractionated Coconut Oil/non-scented Body Moisturiser

"Aromatic dressing is all about applying an oil or beautiful synergistic blend with a carrier oil onto your body while you lovingly massage it in.  Talk to your body as you do this, giving it messages of love and acceptance.  Create powerful affirmations and aromatic anchors as you use your essential oils and aromatically dress.
After a shower or bath, begin from the bottom of your legs in big circular motions working your way up the body towards the heart.  Dip and rub, dip and rub, giving your body loving touch and loving words, while saying positive affirmations and giving love to yourself…" - Vanessa Jean, Food Alchemy

1 drop of DeepBlue added to Fractionated Coconut Oil/non-scented Body Moisturiser

If you ever wake up with aches and pains, stiff joints, sore or tight muscles, if you have a bad back or work out / play sport - doTERRA's DeepBlue Blend works as natural inflammatory and is labelled our 'chemical free Deep Heat.'

I use 1-2 drops diluted and rub it on my lower back, as this is where I feel stiff in the mornings due to my Scoliosis. It increases blood flow and energy to the area, works as a pain relief but also stimulates my physical body to wake up and get moving! When I have time to do my morning Yoga routine, I always make sure I apply this first, as it encourages my physical body to open up and my muscles to expand further due to the increase of oxygen flowing to them.

If you just want to get your physical body up and going, but don't necessarily have any physical pain or ailments, apply it diluted to your large muscle groups and feel the magic!


1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil in water for a natural gargle / mouthwash

This has replaced my habit of needing even more freshness in my mouth after cleaning my teeth, by dropping a piece of gum before walking out the door.

Did you know that chewing gum causes you to swallow excess air, which can contribute to abdominal pain and bloating, along with other gastrointestinal issues?

That when you chew gum you send your body physical signals that food is about to enter your body. The enzymes and acids that are activated when you chew gum are therefore released, but without the food they're intended to digest. This can cause bloating, an overproduction of stomach acid, and can compromise your ability to produce sufficient digestive secretions when you actually do eat food.

That chewing gum can cause jaw muscle imbalance (if you chew on one side more than the other) and even TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder in your jaw?!

Let's not be chewing gum hey...not when there's a better (and again - cheaper!) alternative at 8 cents per drop/swig of 'natural mouthwash.'

"...for well over 1,000 years, peppermint oil has been used to naturally freshen breath. This is probably due to the way peppermint oil kills bacteria and fungus that can lead to cavities or infection. Peppermint oil ... displayed antimicrobial activities against oral pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus fecalis, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans." - Dr Axe

Step 4: Getting Dressed

1-2 drops of OnGuard (+ Oregano) diluted and added to the souls of my feet (and the kidddies!)

As The Oil of Protection, the OnGuard Blend is our Immune Support and energetic protection for the day - for those walking into harsh or intense environments that may threaten your health or your energy. On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats, with a blend of essential oils known for their antioxidant qualities and positive effects on the immune system.

And for when the Winter Season creeps in, and more and more people are coughing and spluttering around you, I add a drop of Oregano to the mix. Oregano is labelled 'nature's antibiotics' and can penetrate the walls of your cells, due to it's tiny sized molecules - unlike conventional medicine/pharmaceuticals which are too large in size. This is why you cannot be prescribed these when you have a Virus, as Viruses lay inside our cell walls. Fun fact.

Step 5: Quick Cleaning

10 drops of OnGuard added to a glass spray bottle and topped up with water

I would have already used OnGuard by now in the morning too, as I have a spray bottle in the shower filled with 10 drops of OnGuard and purified water. I spray this on the glass and tiles just after I've turned off the shower. OnGuard is antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial - all the qualities/claims of conventional cleaners - without the Endocrine disruptors, toxins, indoor pollutants and harsh chemicals.

Another fun fact - Clove is the only element that can kill mould (No, Exit Mould does not do the job - it only bleaches it to a pretty white colour, whilst damaging your respiratory system through inhalation) - and our OnGuard Blend contains Clove in it.

At 13 cents per drop, that's a pretty cheap, effective, and most of all much safer and healthier, Shower Cleaner, mould killer and preventative. $1.30 the cost of the glass bottle that you can re-use over and over again.

I also have another 'OnGuard + Water Mix' spray bottle under my kitchen sink, which is my all purpose cleaner. I will spray the table, sink and kitchen benches with this after breakfast. (Another cheaper, safer and more effective $1.30 cleaner!)


Step 6: Breakfast Time

1 drop of Peppermint into my smoothie

This is the perfect disguise if your kiddies don't like the taste of greens (either greens powder or spinach.) I add 2 frozen bananas to water or coconut/almond milk, either a big handful of spinach or tbs of greens powder, tbs of cacao, plus 1 drop of Peppermint (less is more!) and it's a nutrient dense choc-mint smoothie to start the day right!

1 drop of OnGuard Blend to a bowl of Oats

If it's way too cold for a smoothie during the cold winter mornings, I add the OnGuard Blend to already cooked Oats (don't add whilst cooking, the heat will destroy the therepauetic benefits of the oils.) It tastes yummy, with it's Cinnamon, Clove and Wild Orange essential oils, and is another way to support the Immune System at the start of the day!

1 drop of DigestZen Blend in a glass of water

If you're needing some extra digestive support or are looking to balance your gut health, reduce bloating, trying to become more 'regular' or less frequent - then doTERRA's DigestZen will support your body in this way.

If I'm feeling my digestive system is a bit sluggish or unbalanced, especially during pregnancy or the cooler months, I put a drop in a glass of water after breakfast and before heading out the door, drink it down. It has a non offensive licorice taste. If I have tummy nerves, a knotted stomach or am feeling stress in my stomach area, I do the same - or I rub a drop diluted onto my belly.

If you have kiddies that have an upset tummy or get car sick, rub some on the bottom of their feet or tummies diluted, or put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and put it in the vents of your car on the way to school / on road trips.

My digestive system has improved immensely since using this blend (it was one of the first I tried and was immediately blown away by how quickly it worked!) and so I rarely use it in the mornings anymore, I might do so every so often in the afternoon after lunch when our digestive systems naturally slow down anyway.

How do I start this natural health journey too?

As I mentioned in the video, buying all of the oils individually will cost you $550+, and whilst I still see the value in this, there is a cheaper way. doTERRA has put together a 'starter kit' so that you can implement these top 10 oils (which will help you out with 80% of your current needs by the way - whatever they are!) into your life within 2-3 days and for $220 cheaper. How?

By buying the Home Essentials Kit. Details below - click here to take the next steps via my website...


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We of the Moon Training Program


We of the Moon Training Program

As a woman, you are of the Moon.

You know this.

Your connection with her is growing stronger.


And you're intrigued by

...her cycles

...her impact on YOU to lean into, and harness, her energy


"I've always been someone to try and set goals - but they always seem to get forgotten about...but since We of the Moon, I'm actually sticking to my goals. And not by forcing myself - it's as if I have all this force and power (collective Feminine Energy!) behind me getting the ball rolling and making it seem effortless! Not to mention my actual Moontime being in-sync with Mother Nature, for the first time I can almost ever recall!"

You're starting to remember what you always knew about her...

You want to discover your own personal connection to Her.

How your energies fluctuate every month, alongside Her.

Allow Her to guide you via your Intuition, personal energy and Femininity.

So, let's start with 30 days of Moon Connection to get you back in sync

- with her, and with YOU.


"The We of the Moon course has not only changed the month of August 2016 for me, but has set up foundations for me to continue this way for months and months to follow. It has put light on the things in my life that are really important, helped me keep track of my emotions, motivation, passions - and with this my Intuition has only heightened. The We of the Moon Course can only be described as an ignition to a flame of an even 'better you' - and for me has just helped me be in love with LIFE itself - and everything around me! Not only this, but has definitely helped me get a regular 'Moon.' So appreciative and grateful for this experience..."

This is how...


> Access to a practical, yet high vibrational eCourse

> Self paced modules - in the comfort of your own home, in your own time.

> Instructional videos on how to cultivate spiritual, yet grounded, practices

> 2 separate Handbooks with 50+ pages each - available for instant download

> DIY rituals to harness each individual phase and coinciding energies

> A re-connection to, and re-syncing of, your Menstrual Cycle and Moontime

> A Personal Development Toolbox of Mother Nature's Gifts to support and deepen your 30 day journey - and beyond

> An understanding of how to embrace each of the 8 Transformational Phases of the Moon

> Energetic Planning to implement into your daily routine, related to your 4 personal Feminine Archetypes

> Attunement to the Moon's energy for manifesting and goal setting

> Key dates within the Lunar Cycle - harnessing the Universal, Lunar and Planetary energies for each phase

> Weekly Group Readings - intuitive guidance and messages to support you throughout this journey

> Individual Healing + Alignment - learning how to tune in, tap in and clear personal blocks


I want to show you...

that deeper connection to the natural world, will align you with her balancing and healing rhythms and cycles - and must also include embracing our lunar feminine ally.  

how connecting to the rhythm that all plants and animals are attuned to, is one of the deepest forms of transformational healing you will experience

that working on this relationship with our Moon brings you...

back into alignment with YOU.

This program is ready to be re-delivered, for the 4th time since 2016.

It's time - again.

It's here - and you're ready.

Don't be surprised if this is the healing you've been seeking. The aligning you've been needing. And the connection you've been craving.

This offering has always evolved into an organic circle of supportive Sisterhood, a transformational journey, a spiritual experience - as much as an individual journey of growth.

Whether you've been craving this subconsciously or not, this Sisterhood are the women you have gathered with under the Moon before. And they will hold you up eneregtcially throughout this journey.

My fellow Moon Sister,

I want to share with you all that I've learnt. All that I've remembered.


It's time to reconnect to what you once knew too.

I'm ready to add the content that I didn't include in the original course...

Because now is the time.

I'm ready to connect you with the tools that will deepen this experience for you.



Self-paced online modules.

Bonus information to unlock.

Downloadable resources and printables.

Instructional videos.

Handbooks for future reference.

And personal mentoring sessions with me - if this is what you choose.

For those who feel called to work with me, we will reconnect you to some of the most transformational, high vibrational and supportive tools.

We will reconnect you to the natural world, and every element within it - in the most organic sense.

We will add Pure, High Grade, Therapeutic, Essential Oils to your Toolkit - to support you every step of the way.

For as each phase has its own distinctive qualities and symbolism, so do these vibrational essences.

And you will join a DoTerra Sisterhood of like-minded women on the same journey of reconnection as you.

For those who feel called to work with me,

We of the Moon will be offered to you. For free.

And you will begin a journey of remembering your Ancient Wisdom. And a reconnection to the natural cycles around you.

Your journey will begin, complete with the tools to protect you, ground you, connect you, support you and transition you - dependent on the current phase and archetype you are embodying.

This liquid Prana is the energy and vibration of the natural world - the Moon, the Sun and the Earth. In complete harmony.

An Ancient Healing Tool, bottled up for us to use in our modern day.

Consciously gathered from Nature, infused with the energy of some of the most beautiful and spiritual lands, fair traded by the hands that grew and nurtured them, and gifted to us -  

the Lunar Woman.

My discovery of Earth's Magick began long ago, but has since bloomed into a deep gratitude for the individual gifts each plant on Earth offers us.

I now glow with the balance and rhythm that PURE essential oils create within my body.

And I want the same for you.

I'm calling self aware women like yourself, to join with me.

To step into balance, self acceptance, emotional awareness, empowerment and alignment.

To shine your light.

I can't wait to show the energy you will welcome into your life when you open your arms to this opportunity!


We will begin with charting your individual cycle,

where we pinpoint your personal archetypes and identify when you embody these throughout each month.

This will help identify any energetic blocks or personal challenges. But also help you to realise your goals, your vision, your dreams.

Then, you will take each step as you are called to - and when you are ready. Just as the phases of the Moon naturally and patiently unfold.

You will also receive unlimited support from me, during the length of this course - and beyond.

My aim...


to support and guide you into a way of living an aware, balanced, flowing, in sync and aligned life.

The offering will guide you for 30 days, and will provide you with all the tools to learn and engage in your own time, within your own space.

If this resonates with you, if this feels right - then you're aligned with this, you're aligned with the next part of your journey, and you're aligned with me.

Let me be your guide as we uncover the next steps of reconnection for you.

Pre-requisites for this FREE We of the Moon Training

1. You are new to doTERRA and would like to get started with doTERRA Essential Oils to support you throughout this Course - and beyond

2. You grab a discounted Enrolment Kit when you enrol, so you have your Toolkit by your side from the get go

Option 1

The Essential Collection Kit ($174) - view kit here

Option 2

The Home Essential Kit ($330) + includes 4 x BONUS 1:1 Mentoring Sessions with me to support you through the Course - view kit here

If you feel called to embrace this opportunity, fill in your details below

(Applications close Mon 30th April 2018)


I'm bored...


I'm bored...

I'm bored...

But not in the traditional sense. What I mean is - I yearn for more than most. I think. Well from my observations over the span of my life so far; that's what I've arrived at anyway.

67 Likes, 23 Comments - s p i r i t e d s p a c e (@anita.katherine) on Instagram: "2 days at a natural health, personal development, humanitarian, community driven, heart centred..."

Last weekend, I took my unborn bubba and myself to the 2 day doTERRA Australia Convention in Sydney with 4,500 other Aussies. And evolved in ways, within this space, that I really did not expect.

This was my first doTERRA convention, because I'd said no twice before. I'm usually someone who is a little turned off about these types of gatherings. Maybe it's all the boring conferences I was made to attend in the earlier part of my working career. Maybe it was all the sucky networking events I was forced to go to, and put on a fake smile for a company I didn't truly love.

Who knows?

I do get a little bit uncomfortable when there's wooing and cheering and dancing and yelling out from a crowd. It's not my thing. And this is what I expected it to be. Being hypersensitive in large, significantly charged up, crowds - my senses go into overdrive and my physically body cannot deal! But I was so wrong.

For me, opening up to new information was the reason I drove 2 hours each way to get there. And the reason I was away from my 2 year old daughter for over 12 hours both days - not something I usually do. My intention was to absorb information and learn. I am a sponge right now - and I wanted to take in everything that was going to be shared! So I took myself along, after booking my tickets months ago. Because I just knew I had to be there.

And from being in this space, surrounded by the highest vibrations I've sensed in a long time, and from opening my mind and my heart, and from connecting and aligning with the energy that was produced from this gathering - I have to make an announcement. I have to speak my thoughts and I have to share my 'white hot truth' (as Danielle La Porte would say)

Here goes...

Emily Wright in Nepal - one of doTERRA's Founding Executives

Emily Wright in Nepal - one of doTERRA's Founding Executives

My heart was cracked wide open, my mind blown and I was in tears more times that I let on to anyone else there! I have to say - I am on a high.

And at the same time - I am bored.

Let me explain.

I'm bored with the conversations people have about meaningless things.

Bored with the passive aggressive comments and criticisms and sometime attacks, of working alongside a Network Marketing Company/Multi Level Marketing Company.

Bored of being labelled and talked about behind my back. Bored of people that don't truly know me, questioning my intentions.

Bored of people seeing my offerings of help as trying to 'sell' or con them into something.

Because, when you truly understand, or are educated on, what is being done here by this company, and what I am doing as a job, and what thousands of others are doing as a job too, and how it is so aligned with my life purpose, and theirs, and how it is focused on people healing, and world healing, and disrupting the current systems that are failing us (and not just failing 'us' - failing the downtrodden and forgotten about too..)...

then you would understand immediately that the fears and ideas and opinions around what you think you understand, and what you think you know, about this business model, are so irrelevant. And even more than that - so insignificant.

There are much more important things here, that are going on.

And things that are not just important to me, but should also be of importance to you - if you are a citizen of this place we call Earth. There's a quote that I love that has great impact here, and helps me try to communicate all of this with grace...

"People Can Only Meet You As Deeply As They Have Met Themselves."

And this to me is also about people arriving where you're at, or people only being able to truly see things from their own consciousness. And so I say all of this with love and compassion, and I understand, because I have been there too.

Had. I really want to emphasise the had as past tense - because you can never go back once you've awakened to something. It's just not possible.

I also know everyone is at their own stage of their life and there is also SO much more to be revealed to me. And learnt by me. I'm just sharing where I'm at right now, and explaining what I can't tolerate anymore - because of that. (Ever seen the blinding truth about something, but you hadn't earlier? And when you do, you just have to share it with others - but when you do, you're shocked that they don't want to hear it? Yep, that's what I'm talking about here.)

So if this triggers you...

please know that I truly understand how you've come to believe there is a one-size-fits-all life. That's the way we're conditioned from the moment we're born. We're taught from an early age, in our society, that this is the box that's called life - and if you follow the rules, you'll be just fine. Anything outside of that is far fetched, or just too good to be true, or a scam!

Unfortunately, you've been lied to. That's just not the truth.

The other thing we're told is that there are poor people, and it's sad - but that's just the way it is. There's not much we can do about it - except pray and send donations from the comfort of your loungeroom. We're told - it's going to take more than anything you could ever contribute as one single person. A little bit of 'out of sight, out of mind' conditioning. 'Not our problem' mentality.


I know the paradigm that your perspective is stemming from. And whether you want to challenge this paradigm, or remain within it, can only be up to you. So how can you tell if you want to challenge it? By the way you feel when you think about these things, and your life.

Questioning the paradigm was something I did a long time ago.

And when you can see and understand what's happening in the world, when you're familiar with, and have worked alongside corporations and Government bodies in the past, that are funding projects they don't truly deeply care about; and when you've personally seen them rip away funding as quickly as they've granted it, and just tick boxes for show - you can see as plain as day, when the opposite comes along.

You can see when a group of people have their heart right at the centre of everything they do. On the ground. At the core. And fueling every single thing they do. And when, you know they know, that project sustainability is a must. And when, you know they know, that when your needs are taken care of, you can give a whole lot more to others. That's the Abundance Mindset.

This is a company that is disrupting our current failing systems, starting with Healthcare.

This is a company that has already impacted the world - in parts of it that no one else cares about.

This is a company that is encouraging everyday people to empower themselves and take their own health and lives and decisions back into their own hands. (Because maybe the ones who said they were helping them do that, weren't really...all along.)

And this is a company that has already, personally, gone out to areas of the world, putting other's lives in front of their own comfort and sometimes safety - because, they care. And because, well, who else is going to do it?

They gift communities with running water. A basic necessity of life. A basic human right. Days of walking, often the women being raped along the way, scooping up unsanitary drinking water from crocodile infested rivers,  carrying it back for their people, some losing limbs in the process - because that was their only option.

They rescue children from sex-trafficking rings, and do everything they can to abolish this through partnering with and utilizing some of the world’s experts in extraction operations. Rescuing these children and then working to rehabilitate them, at the same time as having the perpetrators arrested and convicted to ensure they don’t traffic children again.

The following video of Operation Underground Railroad's recent Operation Triple Take rescue mission is used with permission from CBS Evening News On October 15, 2014, Operation Underground Railroad was featured on CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley. In this episode, they featured our recent rescue mission to Columbia, where 123 sex trafficking victims were rescued, including 55 underage children.

And so much more...

So when you open your mind and your consciousness to what really needs to be done in the world, you realise that the BS around how people think a company is structured, from their outdated and limited belief systems, (that have been falsely and effortlessly set up, either by their peers, or parents or by something they heard)...

Is just that - BS.

Come on! It's so small scale! Have they truly looked into what they're criticising? No - most don't. It's easier not to.

I can sense your mind ticking over right now...but isn't doTERRA an Essential Oils Company? Well, yes it is. And this is how it all connects and unfolds.

If you are someone like me, you've always felt like you needed to make a contribution to the world - but you felt useless and helpless at the same time.

If you are someone like me, you're very awakened and educated on what's happening in the world (and I don't mean through our bias, filtered Mainstream News) - and you know there are people in it that need our help.

If you are someone like me, maybe you tried to mould your career around helping others, or work for corporations or companies that appeared to be interested in making change. And maybe they looked like they cared about those things.

If you are someone like me, maybe you were disappointed too.

If you are someone like me, you've moved from job to job, because you were searching for an employer that cared and was authentic and true - like they said they were. 

If you are someone like me, you might've been criticised for this - because in other's eyes, that moving around from your searching became a reflection of your commitment to your career. And maybe you started to believe them for a bit.

But if you are someone like me, you see the structures of our world, and you see that they are less invested in you, than they are in their own profit - and so you decided to start looking out for yourself.

And, you discovered those changes you can make for yourself, within your complete control, were your health and your happiness and your work - and that your healing spills out and over from your own personal life. (See where I'm heading with this...?)

If you are someone like me, you got your own life together, your strength, your health, your vitality and your clarity. You finally came to a realisation that what you'd been chasing, all along, was something larger than yourself.

* Do you need to 'do' doTERRA as a job or a career? No - the majority of people who buy their Essential Oils from doTERRA are just that - customers. But, your individual focus on your health, has such a greater impact than you will ever know.

Co-Impact Sourcing™ by doTERRA helps health-conscious individuals find safe alternatives while also lifting entire communities and giving them a hope for the future. As part doTERRA's promise to provide pure, potent, consistent essential oils, Co-Impact Sourcing ensures that the doTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® process starts at the source.

And then, you come across a company like doTERRA. People that have no ties, no debt, no owing to anyone. People that put up their own money and traded their own equity in their houses because they had such a belief that they could change the world for the better. Make the changes in the world that were needed. Starting with sharing the 'gift of the Earth' with others.

What does your gut tell you their intentions are here?

People that do not owe money to anybody in business, because they will never give their power away. And they will not trade in their vision, or give it away (not even a fraction of it) to somebody that pretends they care, when their interests lie elsewhere.

What does your gut tell you their intentions are here?

I could not be here on this Earth and have a career, or purpose, or spend my time doing something, that had no impact positively in the world. I just could not do that. I came here for more than that. And that's why I get bored of anything less than that. I'm sorry but I just do.

So, just stop with the meaningless comments about marketing and selling and pyramids - and whatever low vibrational energy you're projecting.

Stop ignoring the pain in the world, or thinking that you can't do anything about it.

Stop fighting the urge to look after your health in the way you intrinsically and innately know how, because you'd prefer to hand your money over to someone you don't know running a large corporation, rather than to your friend that genuinely cares about you.

(Cos that's what it's sometimes about, right? Odd when you look at it like that, yeah?)


Ask yourself if maybe you need to see the world through different eyes.

I'm bored of that old paradigm. And you should be too! I can't engage in it these conversations anymore, be at the tail end of them, defend my core values and beliefs in responses anymore. I can only live them in front of you. And through that, protect a company and a vision and a movement that is working for change. For everyone. You included. Whenever you decide to see that.

So when you're ready (and you will be) I will be here to show you how this all unfolds. How this all plays out and how you can actually feel like you have choice, and can be empowered, and have a purpose.

Because you can and you do.

And that's what pulls on my heart strings the most, and makes me most emotional about this.

I am in shock that I have found this. I tripped over this 3 and a bit years ago; and I feel like it's what Ive been searching for, for a really long time. It's the thing that I hear most other women who have stepped into this role, say too. The role of, not only, a doTERRA Wellness Advocate - but a Philanthropic Advocate. A Human Rights Advocate. The Advocate of a movement that will, and is already, utilising the 'gift of the Earth' as a healing tool... for so much more than just our health.

I loved that the 2018 convention was themed 'YOU' - because it was, and it wasn't. This is what the YOU meant to me, after attending...

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi


New Moon in Capricorn


New Moon in Capricorn



Mini Rituals for Mamas + Minis


Mini Rituals for Mamas + Minis

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Kids and Meditation:

Two words that create a visual of complete crystal catastrophe! (And yes, it has happened once or twice - gemstone carnage all over the room.) Little ones can't sit still at the best of times, little alone when they're Mama wants a quiet 10 to realign her Chakras! (Just 5 minutes then...?)

And wow; what an opening for an externalising of mini person emotions I created when we started sitting in ritual together. My little Empath has always felt it all.

And we’ve always encouraged her to express it. All.

I never wanted to fall into unconscious parenting whereby I would tell my children to stop crying. I feel it’s one of the most damaging things we can do, which later creates adults who are entirely disconnected from their feelings.

Plus, who am I to tell anyone how they're feeling at any point in time - and how they should express it?! As my children’s guide, it's important to me to show them healthy ways of expressing how they're feeling. A big part of why I created this special time in ritual.

Throat and Solar Plexus Chakra Tibetan Bowls

Throat and Solar Plexus Chakra Tibetan Bowls

I know myself, whenever I feel I’m too busy for my spiritual practices or rituals, I suffer.

And a voice always pops in to say; "make time. Align your energy first. Centre yourself. You know this must be done to get back into flow. You need this and your family needs you to re-establish harmony and balance in yourself. And therefore your home."

(This is exactly why I created The Midwitch School. To show busy women and Mamas just how important it is to reconnect to yourself this way and HOW to create that time in our lives.)

I think when you're a Mama, you go one of two ways…

  1. You either try to involve your child in everything you're doing;

  2. or it just becomes so much harder, so you try to do the things that need doing, on your own...within every 5 minute pocket of time you can find during the day (or middle of night!)

Both can be extremely stressful!

But I really wanted to change this, I wanted to be more present for my HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)

Because I knew exactly what it was like to be one. I wanted to start supporting her in navigating this life as a high vibrational soul, so that things will be easier for her.

So my Meditation Altar, became 'our' Meditation Altar

We created in the South West Corner of our room, when Sage was two. I normally like to place this in the Eastern corner/side, where the sun rises, but it wasn't possible. Shortly after; our morning Meditation Practice began.

When Sage was 2, we would head straight here upon waking. Positioned in the South West Corner of our room - I normally like to place this in the Eastern corner/side, where the sun rises, but it wasn't possible.

First thing. No distractions. Alignment first. It's a priority.

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And our ritual flowed like this:

1. Energy Cleanse

Starting with an Energy Cleanse, we clear our Aura and Energy Centres using a Selenite Spar. I prefer to use White Sage but I know little MIssy will become obsessed with the lighter if I do that! With the Selenite, the ultimate cleansing (and self cleansing) crystal, we float it up and around our body. I visualise it's purifying vibration clearing anything that is stuck in our Energy Field. Sage enjoys doing this to herself, and then me, after she's watched me do it. You can feel the clearing and lightness immediately and I can see Sage settle in straight after we do it.

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2. Mala Beads

We're ready to get started! I pull out the first drawer and Sage gets out 2 pairs of Mala Beads, a green one and a black one. I let her choose which one she wants (giving children choice makes them feel empowered) and then she places it over her head and wears it.

I do the same, but I use these later for my Mantra Meditation. I have used these Mala Beads in my Meditation practice for years, and have been reciting the same Tibetan Mantra since I was in my early 20’s - “Om Mani Padme Hum”

OM purifies Ego

MA purifies jealousy

NI purifies passion

PAD purifies ignorance

ME purifies greed

HUM purifies hatred

I hold each bead individually, and recite the mantra at each one.

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3. Essential Oils

I then put a drop of grounding or centering Essential Oil in my hands, rub them together and rub it up Sage's spine and on the bottom of her feet. This always brings her back to the present and grounds her roots to the Earth - and because I use this every morning, it has become her anchor to this practice.

I use Essential Oils energetically as well as for their physical attributes. Using them energetically, can be a way to anchor into something - it's like a programming through your senses. If you use a particular Essential Oil for a routine or ritual, it will bring you all the energetic qualities that that plant offers - but it also connects with your incredible Olfactory System to anchor you straight back to the vibe you had when you last used. In our case, it brings us back to the calm and peace we feel during every Ritual.

My final use of the oil is to take a big inhale as I cup my hands over my nose, breathing in and connecting with the life force and plant medicine of Mother Earth. Sometimes Sage will have a whiff too!

The most incredible thing I've noticed, by using oils in our practice, is that she never leaves the space. It literally roots her there. My instincts got me the first time we meditated together and I went to close the bedroom door, so that she couldn't escape and run a muck in the loungeroom! But something pulled me back; I reconsidered and thought it was a much better idea if she chose to sit with me, rather than force her too. And she has chosen to remain with me the whole time - every single time.

4. Singing Bowls

Then we have a play with my Tibetan Bowls. I have the Throat Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra Bowls and Sage loves to mimic the way I make sound with them. She picks up the stick and so carefully pulls it around the edge - there's no sound when she does it (yet!) but she doesn't care! She often wants to put crystals in the bowls when I'm playing them, and of course, at first, I thought "no, that's not what we do" - but I stopped myself and thought... maybe it is? I shifted my perspective and thought, maybe she knows those crystals need a good sound vibrational healing!

(Tip! The more I let go, forget the 'rules', surrender and let her guide things - with boundaries - the better it flows. And not just our Ritual - the entire day.)

5. Crystals

Then we get the other 2 drawers of crystals out. Sometimes we make a mandala together - Sage passes me the crystals and I place them in a pattern, or I hand her the crystals and she lines them up. Sometimes she just wants to place them in the Tibetan Bowls, and then take them out again - over and over. Who am I to judge? Maybe that's her version of Meditation!

When she was a baby I would often place crystals over her energy centres and so she must've grown quite used to this. She lays down sometimes and puts them along her torso, she then asks me to place one on her head. Sometimes she just lies there, letting the energy of the crystal do it's job, and sometimes she makes a game out of flipping it off her Third Eye and onto the ground. Whatever works for you little one.

Selenite Heart and Green Calcite - corresponding Essential Oils are Clary Sage and Geranium

Selenite Heart and Green Calcite - corresponding Essential Oils are Clary Sage and Geranium

6. Breathing Exercises

After I feel like she's truly grounded, we do some deep breathing. I've just started with 5 deep breaths. Sage copies me and I just love how children are born into the world breathing so perfectly - all the way down to their little belly, filling it up and then pushing it all out. Not just 'short-breathing' into the chest like we adults do, because have unlearnt how to breathe…

7. Om Chant

I started doing my own Om chanting (just 3 long Om's in a row) to keep me calm on the days where Sage had way too much energy during our practice. It would keep me centred and patient and helped me in allowing things to just organically unfold. But now she has been placing her own palms in front of her chest whilst she says 'Om'. And so I just join in with her!

Om is more than just a sound, it's frequency is sympathetic with the vibration of the Universe - immediately aligning us to Source Energy. It's the frequency of the energy that connects and joins all things together. What a simple way to connect our littlies to this on a daily basis. It's easy for them to say (sounds like 'aauummm') and we all know how amazing it feels when we tap into this energy - imagine how beautiful it feels for our little beings! Even if it's just once a day, what a powerful practice to start them with, to nurture that innate connection.

I love our antique Altar Cabinet that was gifted to me by a dear friend. In the past I've shared photos of my Altar set up and over time it was not uniquely mine anymore. Let's just say that anyone would have a hard time replicating/building this in…

I love our antique Altar Cabinet that was gifted to me by a dear friend. In the past I've shared photos of my Altar set up and over time it was not uniquely mine anymore. Let's just say that anyone would have a hard time replicating/building this individual piece.

8. Mantra Meditation

I then start my daily Mantra Meditation, which is the repetition of 'Om Mani Padme Hum' at every individual bead on my Mala Beads, until I reach the end. As I said, this is a mediation I've been practicing for many years and I thought there was NO way I'd be able to do this with Sage around! In the past, I'd wait for her to be asleep.

But most times she's preoccupied with the crystals or the Buddha statue I have sitting at our Altar; saying 'Morning, Hello..." to him - but of course there are times when she wants to climb all over me, try and take the beads out of of my hands and demand "BOOBIE". My reaction to this everytime (with practice!) has been to just stop my Meditation, observe, take some deep breaths, allow the frustration to rise up and then release. She soon gets over it and goes back to doing her own thing.

9. Drawing

I have a sketch book and a few pencils in a little basket next to our Altar, in case she feels the need to express any energy in this way. She loves drawing but this has only lasted a couple of minutes with her so far. I feel like she may be drawn to this the older she gets. Right now though, she's expressing her creativity and energy, during our practice, through her words and physical senses when playing with our props.

Our Buddha on the right, wearing the Birthing Necklace my soul sisters made for me at my Blessingway - and our Umbilical Chord Dreamcatcher hanging on our Selenite Crystal on the left.

Our Buddha on the right, wearing the Birthing Necklace my soul sisters made for me at my Blessingway - and our Umbilical Chord Dreamcatcher hanging on our Selenite Crystal on the left.

10. Oracle Cards

Towards the end of our practice, I shuffle a deck of Oracle Cards and we have a bit of a play with them. She loves watching me shuffle - "I do it, I do it!" So I give her a go. I chose the Robert Reeves Flower Therapy Oracle Cards because they have such a gentle energy and connect me straight to the pulse of Mother Nature when I read with them. It reminds me also of why I chose to study Flower Therapy Healing and how it opened so many doors for me, which have led me to further my connection with Mother Nature. Plus, Sage loves flowers and tells me the colour of every flower on every card.

And so, we already know that kids are magickal right? Like truly magickal - if we get out of the way and allow them to be. My beautiful friend Meagan once told me that her son picked the same card over 10 times in a row, on entirely different days. These kids KNOW, I tell you. This generation is tapped in and straight up connected! Give them some space and distance and nurturing to allow them to bloom in this way. They often know more than we do, in relation to Intuition, energy and the natural flow of things.

Of course then, you won't be surprised if I tell you that Sage has picked the same two cards for me - 4 days in a row. I'm talking shuffled several times each time, put back into the box, pulled out of the box, put back into the cabinet, back out of the cabinet - and even thrown around the room!

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11. Solfeggio Frequencies / Binaural Beats

Basically, the modern version of repetitious beats to encourage particular brain activity, different to white or brown noise that I know a lot of parents use with their children. Much the same way that the beating of the drum during gatherings in ancient times would induce relaxation, the auditory beats can entrain the brain to different states and induce specific brainwaves - dependant on the frequency.

Deep sleep is promoted when listening to the Delta Frequency (0-1.4Hz) but we use the Theta Frequency (4-8Hz) for our practice which induces meditation, creativity and intuition strengthening. This is intertwined with a relaxing music track and Sage often hums along to it - so I assume she likes it! I have a Spotify playlist with the perfect frequencies for these rituals/ (DM me or email me and I can send it to you.)

To end our Meditation...

we pack everything away together and I always ask for a big hug. I cherish this time every morning, I know it will be something that I will forever hold dear to me and I hope it allows her the space and confidence to be who she authentically is, plus start to develop a practice to honour and reconnect with herself everyday.

There is no age that you're supposed to start doing anything. People thought we were crazy for reading to Sage at 1 month old, but I know she was absorbing certain things. Maybe not in the way we imagine or expect, but we could tell it made her calm and happy so we made it a regular practice. It's also just a nice way to connect in with each other's energy.

But to end this story, that sounds so surreal and seemingly perfect, I want to tell you that it isn't. I want to tell you about the first day we started - and about the importance of intention...

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A story about starting this practice…

The first time I invited Sage to sit with me at our Altar was, seemingly, a disaster. It started out OK, but just after I introduced the crystals and Essential Oils, she exploded.

She was frustrated, angry and upset - over nothing in particular or in the present. She was lashing out and kicking the crystals, throwing the cards and even threw the Buddha. I thought "oh right, here we go - stupid idea Anita!" and I almost gave up.

But a voice dropped in saying that this is exactly what needed to happen. The high vibrational and healing nature of the crystals, Essential Oils and the space itself was allowing Sage to release and heal. It was providing such a high vibration that anything that didn't resonate with that frequency, within her, needed to come out. (That's how energy/vibrational healing works by the way.)

I reflected on the way women release energy in the form of tears when I facilitated circles. It was the same thing - just in a different expression.

I could literally see any fear, uncertainty or pain release from her mind, body and spirit. It only went on for about 5 minutes and after the tears stopped falling, she looked over to me where I had my arms outstretched ready to hold her. She came over and was calm. She felt lighter and seemed relieved. Wow how powerful (and necessary) this space was for her. She no longer needed to carry the weight of any of that!

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The intention I set for our Ritual

Was to deepen our connection as Mother and Daughter, was for any healing and transformation that was needed, and was to take time during the day to connect to something larger than ourselves.

Intention is important and I set the tone for this from the very first day. I could have easily abandoned the idea of this practice after that first episode, but I realised it was just a clearing of energy blocks and I saw the importance of this practice even more so, after this. Especially after realigning with the intention.

So, in summary - I love holding this space for us, and for her. And that's all they need - you know? Just for you to hold the space. You are their Tour Guide for a moment in time in their lives - and most of them have been here many times before. They look up to us to learn the ways of the physical world, but energy wise - they got it figured out.

Allow them the opportunity to surprise you with what they are capable of and what they can do, before you decide for them. They will blow your mind.


Essential Oils for Travelling


Essential Oils for Travelling

I use the word Sister a lot in my reference to the beautiful community of women I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by. And this is because I have a deep sense of connection to these women, as I believe we have all walked this Earth together before.

The word Sister is not a throw away word for me, it has meaning and importance - but none so strongly than when in reference to my Biological Sister. Who I'm lucky enough to also call my Best Friend.

Guest Blogger Peta - The Energy of Earth

Guest Blogger Peta - The Energy of Earth

My sister Peta carries knowledge and wisdom within her from many a lifetime, and is years before her time - although to look at her, she appears not much older than 17 in her 30's! Her tiny appearance is not representative at all of her impact on others, and the Leadership role she so she humbly walks in.

She is a great teacher to me, in so many areas. She led me down the road to Vegetarianism and then Veganism. She opened my eyes to the chemicals present in the products we use, by taking me to a workshop. She's showed me the truth around animal treatment, within Australia and internationally, and is the most educated person on Animal Conservation that I know!

She's finally starting to share some of her wisdom and musings in writing and through Social Media, for others to be able to learn through her experiences. So from now on, she will be featured on here as a Guest Blogger, talking all things healing, natural health and wellness in relation to Earth's Medicine - Essential Oils. This is her first post and her story around healing Adult Acne.

Essential Oils for Traveling

My 30th year of life brought some longstanding goals for me. The biggest one being international travel. Firstly solo travel to Bali for celebrating my 30th birthday with a nourishing yoga retreat. Now coming up this month (November) my 30th year will also see solo travel to South Africa.

So, in preparation for traveling to a continent that is going to bring many, many different experiences, I want to make sure I am as well prepared as I possibly can be. For me, this is mostly about my health. Some essential oils that I have been using pre travel and some that I plan to take with me

Continue reading > >

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Also for you to read...


Essential Oils for PCOS & PMS


Essential Oils for PCOS & PMS

I use the word Sister a lot in my reference to the beautiful community of women I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by. And this is because I have a deep sense of connection to these women, as I believe we have all walked this Earth together before.

The word Sister is not a throw away word for me, it has meaning and importance - but none so strongly than when in reference to my Biological Sister. Who I'm lucky enough to also call my Best Friend.

Guest Blogger Peta - The Energy of Earth

Guest Blogger Peta - The Energy of Earth

My sister Peta carries knowledge and wisdom within her from many a lifetime, and is years before her time - although to look at her, she appears not much older than 17 in her 30's! Her tiny appearance is not representative at all of her impact on others, and the Leadership role she so she humbly walks in.

She is a great teacher to me, in so many areas. She led me down the road to Vegetarianism and then Veganism. She opened my eyes to the chemicals present in the products we use, by taking me to a workshop. She's showed me the truth around animal treatment, within Australia and internationally, and is the most educated person on Animal Conservation that I know!

She's finally starting to share some of her wisdom and musings in writing and through Social Media, for others to be able to learn through her experiences. So from now on, she will be featured on here as a Guest Blogger, talking all things healing, natural health and wellness in relation to Earth's Medicine - Essential Oils. This is her first post and her story around healing Adult Acne.

Essential Oils for PCOS and PMS

"Are you on the pill, do you have regular periods, do you get PMS, how bad is your PMS, what are your symptoms, do you see a GP/naturopath and what do you do during your period/PMS to cope?...Originally I wanted to go on the pill because I NEVER had a regular cycle, my period was all over the place, sometimes I wouldn’t have one for 3 months sometimes I would get it monthly. I didn’t know if I was coming or going, whether to be prepared and regularly wondered if I was normal. Was I the only one in this situation?..."

Continue reading > >


Also for you to read...


Earth Medicine for Mama + Bub


Earth Medicine for Mama + Bub


I know you're feeling the call to reconnect to the Medicine Woman within you. To make the best choices for you and your family.

I know you want to become an empowered, confident, informed Mama - when it comes to the health of your family.

You're leaning towards chemical free, holistic and natural ways to become the Healer in your home.

This has been my journey too.

From this journey, Mother Earth's Medicine has become my toolkit.

And I need to share this from my heart - from one Mama to another.

Having to heal from a lifetime of Pharmaceutical Drugs, led me to Essential Oils

I didn’t want the same path for my children. I wanted to be able to have natural solutions on hand as my first choice.

And it all started with conscious conception, then pregnancy, birth, Postpartum and now Mamahood - all natural and drug free.

I am now at the point of my journey where I’m reflecting upon the fact that I have never had to give my children conventional, toxic, medicine.

These have been my footsteps…

Watch my 2 videos below to...

Learn my signature Essential Oil blends for sleep, tantrums and teething

How I used Essential Oils throughout my natural pregnancy and natural homebirth

Correct blending and dilution rates

How to heal and manage teething, colic, sleep time, car trips, immune boosting, travel, tantrums, cracked nipples, hormonal balance, nappy rash and more!

Part 1

Part 2

My Signature Natural Mama Blends + Oils


Nipples/Tummy/Stretchmark prevention - Frankincense + Lavender + Geranium

Restless Legs/cramps - Marjoram

Hormonal/emotional - Wild Orange + Balance Blend

Nausea/Morning Sickness - Ginger + Peppermint


Frankincense, Clove + Lavender with Coconut Oil applied to jawline

Nappy Rash

Tea Tree + Lavender with Coconut Oil

No Fail Sleep Blend

Roman Chamomile, Myrrh and Balance Blend added to the bath, to Coconut Oil as a massage cream or in a rollerball bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil to roll on back of neck and up spine

Tantrum Tamer

Wild Orange + Balance Blend in a spray bottle to spray in the car or house, or added to a rollerball bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil to roll on bottoms of feet/back of neck.


Guest Post: A Zero Waste Journey


Guest Post: A Zero Waste Journey

Jess: Our Zero Waste Family

If you're not already following beautiful Jess and her family of 4's journey to a zero waste lifestyle, what are you doing?! You know you love a good DIY, you're being called to honour Mother Earth more, to clean up your consumerist lifestyle, look after yourself better, to ditch the plastics, toxins and chemicals and to find out more on sustainability.



And that's exactly what Jess is passionate about. I met Jess at one of my Women's Circles and she has taught me so much on all of these topics! I know you'll love her conscious and gentle approach too, so she's shared her tips with us below on how you can also start this journey.

My name is Jess. I'm 30...

and I am married to my high school sweet heart. We have been together for nearly 16 years. We have two beautiful children. Our son who is 4 and our daughter who is 2. My hubby is very supportive of our zerowaste journey which makes it easier.

One of my friends once told me that I'm a closet hippie and I think I agree.

I used to be very caught up in fast fashion and all the Kmart homewares. I still find myself wanting unnecessary things, but I've come a very long way. I'm going to be enrolling into a "herbalism" course this year. I would love my home to be a minimalist space that's still homely & represents who I am. So that's a little bit about me if you've ever wondered!

Jess has also been featured on as a guest writer!

Let's learn more from Jess...

Homemade Deodorant

Minimalist Wardrobe

Laundry Tips

Homemade Kombucha

Chemical Free Cosmetics

Vegetable Storage

And the most important of all when on a transformational journey; self care ladies!

72 Likes, 10 Comments - Zero Waste Journey (@ourzerowastefamily) on Instagram: "Doterra - currently diffusing a "happy" blend. - frankincense - peppermint - lime - wild orange My..."

Want more?

Visit Jess' Instagram page to follow regular posts with helpful tips and to get to know more about this amazing woman.



My Top 3 Health Priorities


My Top 3 Health Priorities

I look at this X-Ray and I feel like crying.

Why did my body decide to do this? What happened to me, that my spine decided to pull away, twist and skew like it has? Working with energy, I know that everything physical starts energetically. And this has led me on the path that I'm on today. So I wipe away the tears and realise that, for whatever reason, this abnormality has led me on a journey of healing, self care and wellness.

Spine X-Ray 2016

Spine X-Ray 2016


One I may not have gone down if not for this. Scoliosis of this severity is rare and painful and could be the excuse for not doing a lot of things. Had I of listened to 'specialists' and 'professionals' throughout my life, I would've done just that.

But this is why I am a critical thinker. This is why I choose to live consciously, to think for myself, educate myself, tap into myself and listen to my own intuition and body. This is why I question EVERYTHING. This is why I beat this drum, day in and day out. Especially when it comes to my own body and my personal state of health.

My search for health alternatives led me to natural solutions at a very young age. It's funny when people say to me now "you're so healthy". What I think they mean is that I try my best to look after myself, but there was a time when I was very unhealthy. And by this I mean unwell ALL THE TIME.

If only you knew how far away from that statement I used to be.

I was always having time off school, having to go to work with my parents because I was too sick, every birthday I was ill because it falls in Winter, I was taking Pharmaceutical Drugs several times a day from an early age. And it felt like I was on Antibiotics every other week. And then came the Thrush and UTI's.

I woke up in the mornings sneezing and wheezing with Hayfever/Allergies, my gut was always gurgling or bloated after I ate (later diagnosed as IBS), I would often have a Chest Infection - leading to Pleurisy as a teen and Pneumonia as a 2 year old. I had chronic Tonsillitis until 5 years old when they took them out. But prior to this it brought high fevers, vomiting and almost always led to another cold or chest infection.

All of this led to my teeth being damaged from medications, poor gut health, a shitty Immune System, a multitude of other issues - and ultimately, a poorer quality of life. No kid, or adult, should have to experience that. I am still working on some of these issues everyday, but a lot has changed. And healed. Yet there are some things that take longer than others...


My Current Top 3 Personal Health Priorities...

1. Gut Health

Digestion, bloating, food intolerances, link to hormone regulation and Melasma on face

2. Back (Scoliosis)

Pain management, flexibility, healing, holistic balance

3. Energy protection

Overwhelm in crowds, anxiety, taking on other's energy which manifests in my own body

An internal imbalance

Like I said, no major health crisis but continual sickness. This kind of 'dis-ease' becomes draining and frustrating, very quickly. What I can now see, and what I have learnt, is that most of it flowed directly from the physical imbalance within my entire body - seen very clearly from the top to the bottom of my curvy, twisted spine. And that's why it is still a major focus of my health - and why I mention it as such a huge part in my story and healing journey.

The fear that arose from my Scoliosis would keep me awake at night - and here steps in the manifestation of illness from emotion and energy. I was told that I would have to wear a back brace, that it would be hard for me to continue in competitive sports (or be physically active at all!), that I'd need an operation and that I would most definitely NOT be able to give birth naturally. Even pregnancy would be risky. (Well we know where my critical thinking and empowerment led to with more.)

The fear that was put upon me from 'Specialists' sat deep within me, and on continued the constant sickness throughout my high school years and early 20's. Continually manifesting from the energetic and the physical. And whilst I'm sure you know I don't ever aim to create a division between conventional medicine and ancient/natural medicine (because I think they can work beautifully together and they both have their place), the catalyst for me looking for an alternative was because I was not being heard by Modern Health Professionals. And, even at this young age, I had the consciousness to know that this was not what I was going to accept - I was sick of being sick.

Nothing was getting better

In fact things were getting worse for me. My experience was that I didn't feel anyone really wanted to help me. Like really help me! Holistically. And when I did take anything 'prescribed', there was always a secondary side effect - with little, to no, healing of the original issue. Just a masking of symptoms for a point in time. So I started thinking to myself - well, if no one else is going to help me, I'm going to help myself!

Think of this image less as a comparison, and more as a learning opportunity about what both have to offer you, when you're choosing medicine - so that you can make an informed and empowered choice.

Think of this image less as a comparison, and more as a learning opportunity about what both have to offer you, when you're choosing medicine - so that you can make an informed and empowered choice.

And that is the point of all of this. It's not a sob story. I don't blame anyone or anything, I am just ever grateful that I came to a place where I empowered myself to look after myself, to do my own research, to listen to my body and trust myself - even when I was told differently by somebody else. No matter what their experience/qualification - I questioned everything if it did not feel right! Even at this young age, I stepped into this independence. And where did this lead me, time and time again - back to Mother Nature. Back to natural solutions.

I became armed with with the knowledge, the tools, the support and the ability to look after my own health naturally.

What I learned is that our amazing bodies are working to bring us back to a natural state of homeostasis, equilibrium, balance - to heal. All the time. IF they're provided with the right conditions. I am an Energy Healer first and foremost, but my work is just another way of expressing the physical, emotional and mental parts of us. My whole Philosophy centres around the fact that our bodies are self healing and are regenerating everyday. This is energetic, yet this is Science too.

And the way to bring us back into balance is always through Mother Nature. Mother Earth. Our modern lifestyle brings us further away from this inner healing and so re-connection to Nature is imperative. I also believe in managing the cause of being unwell, not just the symptoms.

Our Body is a self regulating, regenerating machine that is ongoingly working to restore itself

  • Understanding this, is understanding how natural solutions work in regards to your health.
  • Understanding this is an important aspect of empowering yourself in choosing natural solutions for your health.

Especially when we live in a society that forgets, ignores or tries to override this fact. Think of the way your body creates a scab and then heals it, develops a bruise and then mends it, creates and then births a baby, creates mucus in the form of a runny nose to clear out whatever is invading it, etc

Just ponder this for a moment and ask yourself if you already innately knew this, even if you'd never truly thought about it. Ask yourself if this changes the way you view your body. Ask yourself if you truly respect your body for the amazing intelligent creation that it is, as it heals and protects itself. Ask yourself, have you been helping this innate healing process with your lifestyle, or hindering it?

What is a Natural Health Solution?

MEDICINE; a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease. (Prevention too - not just symptomatically reactive!)

Did you know that in 2017 plant medicines are the most widely used medicine in the world!? Seems odd to us in Australia and in our Western Society, as they're not commonly our first 'go to'. But they're starting to become just that, as we're understanding and remembering that plant medicine is safe, gentle and better for our health.

So why is plant medicine accepted by the body far better than synthetic medicine?

  • Because as humans, we have co-evolved with plants over millions of years.
  • Because most plant compounds perform the same functions in our bodies and so are easily recognised by them
  • Because synthetic medicines, which are most often alien to the chemistry of the human body, act as irritants and toxins upsetting the balance: producing side effects.

Reconnecting back to plant-derived medicines is the way I manage my health, in regards to healing and protection. And because of their potency and the success I've had with them, ESSENTIAL OILS are my most trusted and successful go to - they are what I have overhauled my entire Medicine Cabinet with.

Natural Solutions I use to support my current Health Priorities

(1) Deep Blue Essential Oil Blend, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Black Pepper Essential Oil

(2) DigestZen Essential Oil Blend, Fennel Essential Oil, Ginger Essential Oil, Cardamon Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil

(3) Serenity Essential Oil Blend, Balance Essential Oil Blend, Peace Essential Oil Blend, Melaleuca Essential Oil, Lemongrass Essential Oil

(1) Back - Scoliosis


(2) Gut Health


(3) Energy Protection

Holistic Health Plan to support my current Health Priorities


Before morning workout / yoga rub Deep Blue into back for increased flexibility (also to reduce pain upon awaking) (1)

Before breakfast - 1 drop of DigestZen in glass of water to support my digestion througout the day, get rid of any bloating/gas and keep me regular (2)

After morning shower - aromatically dress with Balance & Peace, or diffuse whilst getting ready for the day. Keeps me grounded and in the best state of mind when interacting with others. (3)

(Aromatic Dressing - Diluted Essential Oils rubbed all over the skin working from the feet up to the heart. Consciously massaging your body, working on blocked energy Beautiful self love ritual to help you connect with your body.)


Rollerball with Frankincense, Black Pepper and Lemongrass diluted, in handbag to roll on back, hips and neck as my body/back tends to get more sore and stiff as the day goes on. (1)

Ginger & Lemon Tea after lunch. 1 drop of each added to hot water to make sure all of my earlier meals have digested properly, as our digestive systems slow down towards the end of the day. (2)

Take a rollerball of Serenity Blend and Coconut Oil in handbag to apply to back of neck and wrists throughout the day. Protecting my energy wherever I need to go. (3)


After evening shower - aromatically dress with Frankincense before bed. Very powerful anti-inflammatory to help ease back pain during the night and to prevent inflammation when I start moving as soon as I get up in the morning. (1)

After dinner, make Chai Tea - add 1 drop of Cardamon, Fennel and Ginger. Or, add Fennel to dinner - Indian dish. Or 1 drop with coconut oil and rub on belly. Helps digestion of last meal of the day to help me have a better night's sleep.

Diffuse Melaleuca Lemongrass before evening shower/during dinner, or add a few drops to hot shower to naturally diffuse (The Oil of Energetic Boundaries and the Oil of Energetic Cleansing.) Acts as an energy cleanser for whatever I may have encountered during the day.(3)

* I also support my health, my family's health and use Essential Oils in many other ways in a single day - but this plan will add these oils to my regular routine for the next 6 weeks or so.

I am only referring to doTERRA Essential Oils that are 100% plant material, certified Therapeutic Grade as natural solutions for my health and wellness. Essential Oils that are able to be ingested, diffused and applied safely to the skin and be used with animals and children. No synthetics, no chemicals, no fillers, beyond Organic, sourced from all over the world - wherever the plant thrives best.

Get your own Health & Wellness Plan here

Get your own Natural Solutions here


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Guest Post: Essential Oils for Acne


Guest Post: Essential Oils for Acne

I use the word Sister a lot in my reference to the beautiful community of women I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by. And this is because I have a deep sense of connection to these women, as I believe we have all walked this Earth together before.

The word Sister is not a throw away word for me, it has meaning and importance - but none so strongly than when in reference to my Biological Sister. Who I'm lucky enough to also call my Best Friend.

Guest Blogger Peta - The Energy of Earth

Guest Blogger Peta - The Energy of Earth

My sister Peta carries knowledge and wisdom within her from many a lifetime, and is years before her time - although to look at her, she appears not much older than 17 in her 30's! Her tiny appearance is not representative at all of her impact on others, and the Leadership role she so she humbly walks in.

She is a great teacher to me, in so many areas. She led me down the road to Vegetarianism and then Veganism. She opened my eyes to the chemicals present in the products we use, by taking me to a workshop. She's showed me the truth around animal treatment, within Australia and internationally, and is the most educated person on Animal Conservation that I know!

She's finally starting to share some of her wisdom and musings in writing and through Social Media, for others to be able to learn through her experiences. So from now on, she will be featured on here as a Guest Blogger, talking all things healing, natural health and wellness in relation to Earth's Medicine - Essential Oils. This is her first post and her story around healing Adult Acne.

Essential Oils for Acne

"There are a few things that contribute to pimples and it is something I have struggled with my whole high school and adult life. Not fun. I was constantly embarrassed and wanted to cover my skin. (which is one of the reasons I had acne). As I got older, well in to my 20s, I was unable to understand why I still had them. I’d finished school, isn’t that where it ended...?" 

Continue reading > >

Also for you to read...


How do Spirituality and Network Marketing Align? (Pt 3)

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How do Spirituality and Network Marketing Align? (Pt 3)

You're having coffee with a girlfriend...

She tells you she's going through a rough time. She's been lacking self confidence and self worth. She's feeling terrible about herself after a recent break up. And as you sit there listening, you're in total understanding because you've been through the same thing in your own life. And you wonder how you can ease her pain.

Wait! You have something in your handbag, in a little brown bottle, that will raise her vibration within seconds. It's come all the way from Italy, and you're certain Mother Earth crafted this from seed to plant - just for her. It's the Essential Oil from a Bergamot Orange. And it's the Ancient Oil of Self Acceptance.

You know that it instantly relieves feelings of despair and self judgement. You know that it lovingly lifts a person's vibration when they're not feeling 'good enough'; reigniting self love and acceptance on every level. Emotionally, Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. You know this because you've used it yourself - at times in your life when you needed a boost of optimism.

So, as you sit there, you think about the ways in which you can support her. You can buy her a big fat chocolate muffin, be a listening ear, give her a cuddle - and also share this information with her. So what do you do? Do you do the first three and withhold the fourth? Do you keep the info to yourself - or do you tell her?

Of course you share it with her!

This is not being a Salesperson. This is being a Lightworker, a helper, a Healer, a friend. A fellow Sister and Human Being. And this is called blowing some old set beliefs right out of the water about Network Marketing - and simply getting back to basic human connection. You've asked the Universe what your contribution to the world is, and how you can help others. So here it is!

If I'm a Salesperson, then so are you...

I'm certain I know what you're afraid of, when I say that I'm a Natural Health Educator for doTERRA. Or that I'm a proud part of a 'Network Marketing Company'. Those two dirty words; sales and networking. (Or maybe that other word - pushy!) But let's just start there, with 2 words...


  • Giving or handing over something in exchange for money. (Sales)
  • Do I receive an equal exchange of energy, in the form of money, for the energy I put out into the world? Yes. (Sales.)

Are you not already doing this in your 9-5, or business? Selling your time, loyalty, hard work? In exchange for money.


  • A group of interconnected people or things. (Network.)
  • Do I organically and naturally meet and connect with people? Yes. (Networking.)

Isn't this something you're already a part of. A network of people? Several of them perhaps? Isn't this what we innately crave as human beings? To be connected! To be a part of something?

So, yes, one of the hats I wear is as a Network Marketer - even though I don't do titles, I'm owning it for the purpose of this blog post. Maybe you know what that means - and maybe you think you know what that means. Maybe you're finding it hard to see how that aligns with the work I do. (And maybe you don't care at all!)

It was a title I was uncomfortable with at first - which is odd, because I rarely give much attention to labels. But I really did have some things attached to these words. What I came to understand is that, network marketing means a few things.

First of all it means that doTERRA did not want their wildcrafted ancient plant medicine just sitting on a shelf somewhere in the retail world, collecting dust. Second of all, they did not want some impersonal actor yelling at you through your TV to buy their oils - they wanted real, everyday, authentic people organically sharing it.

But the main meaning for me, was the difference between Linear and Residual Income. And I was tired, depleted, exhausted and burnt out from Linear Income - and carrot chasing.


I've got light to share with others...

and there is a heart-centred company that cares about the exact same things as I do - healing, wellness, Philanthropy, freedom, choice, Mother Nature, empowerment, abundance. They've offered to support me with my life purpose, guide me along in my personal journey - with a toolbox to go alongside this.

It was a no-brainer for me to partner with this company - when I got out of the way of myself, that is!

Let me facilitate a gathering, with a group of like minded women who are tapping back into the Medicine Woman within them, discussing all things positively aligned to health, wellness, self love and nurturing, personal growth and continual learning (instead of gossiping or whinging about other people) and I am in my element. Call it Network Marketing, call it whatever you want!

Getting clear on what was important to me.

Right about the time I was starting to get over myself, I started getting really clear on identifying what my priorities and values were. About what was truly important to me.

What did I stand for?

What did I believe in?

Where did I want to spend my time, resources and money?

What will make my daughter proud of me?

What am I contributing to in this world?

And what are the things that will make myself proud in 10, 20, 50 years time?

In doing this, I reverted back to the word Abundance several times. In particular, our 'income' in relation to the 'work' we do. The way our society is structured, in terms of how we are compensated financially for our work. When you open your eyes, though, you realise that Abundance is completely limited within this structure. Capped. Out of reach. Whether it's working for somebody else, or yourself. And most people look to winning the Lotto as the answer - or escape!

So, I started to think things through, from a different perspective...

What if the way I brought abundance to myself, aligned with something I loved? What if it was fun!? And wasn't capped. What if it allowed me to share the message I'm wanting to share? What if it could help me to help others? What if it supported the dream life that I had envisioned? What if it allowed me to lift other like-minded ladies to rise too? What if it allowed me to work, location independently? What if it could create a much healthier world? What if it could hold space for me to...

Evolve as a person.

After allowing myself to think bigger, I couldn't go back. My mind had expanded. I did not align with the old paradigm anymore.

Even though I had shifted - it still took me a lot of life experience, lessons, pushing away, denying, ignoring, insecurity, and years to get to a place where I truly understood the Abundance I was being offered by doTERRA - and to believe it. Really believe it.

Especially when it wasn't the norm. (You know how we resort to 'that old chestnut' to make us feel safe, instead of venturing out into the unknown?)

If this causes resistance within you too, what if I told you it stems from what we've been conditioned to believe - and not reality. Why? Because there's a lot of people that have a vested interest in making you think that it's not possible. Because tapping into true Abundance, does not serve a particular group of people - at all.

What if I cleared away all your old programming and told you that living your life with true choice, isn't a fantasy. It is, in fact - reality. Maybe not yours. Maybe not your friend's. Or your family's. But for millions of other souls who stopped listening to people with a Lack Mentality and stopped being an 'Ant'. (Watch below.)

What was I afraid of, at first?

Why did I think there was an ulterior motive with doTERRA initially? Where had all of these beliefs come from? How did I get to this place? Why did their offering make me uncomfortable? And then; I heard everyone else's voice in my head.

And this created a disbelieving voice within myself.

Truth be told, I was an Ant. I cast judgement on something I knew nothing about. And none of this originated from fact, truth or knowledge. It came from fear. I wasn't even educated on the opportunity doTERRA was offering, before I rejected it. Without any real reason, except for the fact that I stayed safely within the crowd. I knew what 'most' people's opinion would be, and so I jumped on board.

Anyone that knows me, knows that that is SO unlike me! Fear is such a controller.

When I finally opened my eyes I learnt that doTERRA and their business structure, was all about Empowerment. About living consciously. About giving people options around how they supported their health - and also themselves financially if they chose to. It was about us, the people, regaining our power back when it came to how we live our lives. Getting out of the herd! Consulting with our own Intuition when it came to every decision we make. Starting with our wellness.

Isn't it so funny that tiny little brown bottles filled with the oils of a plant, bring up so much 'stuff' for people!

You go Mother Earth - you powerful, influential being!


What had I asked for, at every New Moon?

In almost every journaling / intention setting session?

Written in the middle of every Crystal Grid I'd ever constructed?

Visualised in every Meditation?!

CHOICE. FREEDOM. ABUNDANCE. TIME. An opportunity exactly like this one! It's just that I had a different version of what this was going to look like, in my mind. Which is what almost always happens when the Universe delivers you something...bigger and better.

The very first step of the journey...

I've been asked a few times when I started looking into using doTERRA as a platform for my business, but it wasn't one moment. It was a combination of things. I would say, though, it stemmed deeply from my unwavering passion to empower others to choose better options for their health.

This led me on a wild donkey ride as I became more and more thirsty for knowledge on the oils. One day I got hooked on reading where the Essential Oils I was using, were coming from. I learned that these mini vials of Mother Earth were from Guatemala, Italy, Nepal, Madagascar - from all over the world! I literally had healing gifts from Mother Earth, from every corner of the globe. From some of the most ancient and spiritual lands.


This then led me to discover that doTERRA had tapped into the traditional ways of growing and harvesting plants, so that the Life Force of the plants (aka Essential Oil) could be extracted from the plant, in the environment it was thriving in - in the ways it had always been done. They were tapping into the Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom that had gone missing in our society. There were Artisans from tribes and communities still doing what I had based all of my spiritual and healing work around - and they were being supported by doTERRA to do this through their Co-Impact Sourcing Initiative.

Immediate alignment for me - again.

But I thought; 'why couldn't you see this before Anita? Why didn't you do this earlier?!'

We only know what we know.

And we only see what we're ready to see.

I can feel that this personal development and growth journey is going to be a continual process, because the deeper I dive into this role...

  • The more people I connect with that are remembering. Awakening. Becoming conscious.
  • The more people that think like me - that feel the familiarity of reconnection to nature.
  • The more people that understood our bodies are made absolutely perfectly, and that all it needs is a little support to do what it's meant to do in healing itself.
  • The more people I cross paths with, that are also on a personal healing journey.
  • The more people that are 100% attuned to, and aligned with, abundance.
  • The more people that feel they need to play a part in the healing of this world.
  • The more people that want to create more Leaders, not Followers.
Images by Feather and Sage Portrait

Images by Feather and Sage Portrait

My heart is becoming fuller everyday. I am aligning more and more with my purpose. I am guiding others in personal growth and reconnection to their Spirituality. And I am supporting a team of beautiful women in finding their own place within this structure - whether that be personal healing, leading other women in healing themselves, or tapping into that stream of abundance in the form of making this a business too.

I am unashamedly in-sync and in alignment.

And I wear it in my energy field like a big ol' magnet - connecting with more and more people, bringing more and more opportunities to fulfill my purpose, everyday. I will so boldly say that by integrating Mother Nature's energy into my life, through the use of these oils, has led me to 'vibe' this way. (If you've used the oils, you know what I'm talking about.)

My dream is slowly unfolding. I am surrounded by an authentic support system of sisterhood that comes with doTERRA. (Let me emphasise the authentic part!) I bring meaningful purpose to my life everyday. But the biggest part of it all - it's not even about me! It never was. And it never will be. I help people. Individually, and collectively.

And I am in utter appreciation of this opportunity.

doTERRA is a vehicle for a dream I've had for a long while. A dream for me and a dream for my family. All I had to do was put out my hand and take the offer. And just as Abundance is limitless and ever expanding - so am I. And so are you.

There is a community that feel the same pull that I do, and together we are guiding each other in then guiding others. We believe Leaders create more Leaders, not followers. We are The Spirited Tree and we have some beautiful offerings for you. Read more here > >

I would never end this story with a call to action, or ask anything of you. I don't need to. If you feel me, you know where I am - and I'll be ready to welcome you with open arms and that familiar feeling that we've walked this path together before sister. Many times. xo

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My Abundance Story (Pt 2)


My Abundance Story (Pt 2)

There's a particular time in the early morning, that brings me discomfort.

It takes me back to a few places in my mind. This window of time is uncomfortable and silent and grey for me. It sits in the pit of my stomach and swirls around. It has this hazed out, auto-pilot, directionless feel to it.

I call it Disconnection.

Of course, now it visits me as a memory. But back then it was real - and I started feeling this when I was younger. I would wake up before everybody else in the house as a kid, and lay there in silence - in a kind of anxious anticipation at times. It was the time of the morning before Mum and Dad would get ready for work.

The silent space of freedom, before everybody started pottering around the house. I'd dare to dream, for a short while, about how my life might be in the future - and get completely carried away with it. But a little voice would always pull me back in line. Don't be silly. Stop daydreaming. And back came the disconnection.

This time of the morning, there was little time spent together. Little interaction or discussion. Far from the way we connected when we were camping down the coast and going for beach swims before breakfast. At home, my parents were always rushing and focused on one thing - adhering to someone else's rules. Time stolen by an unknown person. With everything and anything truly important to our family, pushed aside. To make a 'living'.

Working for The Man.

No room for dreams.

And then, just as history repeats itself, it became the time of the morning when I got ready for work. Woken up by an alarm. That same feeling in the pit of my stomach coming back. None of my actions truly playing out consciously or through choice. Just walking the treadmill of life. Clenched jaw. (Coffee makes it better though, right?)

Sure, things could be worse than having to wake to an alarm - but why should we live our one precious life limited, because it could be worse? It could also be better.

But then, who was I to challenge the status quo?

'What would you like to do if money were no object? How would you really enjoy spending your life?' - Alan Watts

A profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Alan Watts audio courtesy of from the seminar: "Do You Do It, or Does It Do You?" available for download at!services/cihc Help Support more videos like this: A remastered version of "What if money was no object".

Maybe it doesn't play out like this for everybody. Maybe some of you pinpointed your dreams and are living it. Maybe some of you are happy just the way you are...thank you very much! I do believe though, that there is a Universal Shift taking place around this very topic. I do believe that people are starting to allow themselves to believe there may be another way. Because...I do believe there is a very fine line between routine, and acceptance - that this is 'just what life is'.

Is it though?

If you had more choices around your life circumstances, would you take them - or choose what you're doing?

And, more importantly, why do most of us believe we have no choice?

“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30am by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so? ”- Charles Bukowski

Would I rather wake when the sun rises. Yes. Would I rather enjoy a little more time in my home, my nest, my safe space - during the day? Yes. Would I rather sit in airports waiting to explore another country, than sit in traffic to and from work? Yes. Would I rather spend 40 hours of my week doing what I love and being supported financially for it? Yes. Would I rather be a part of something bigger? Something that had a positive contribution to the healing of the world? YES!

My 'abundance shift' didn't happen all at once.

I suspect it started in those early mornings, when I was quite young. But what evolved from continually witnessing that which I did not want - was a vision. A dream and a goal; of what I did want.

Please don't kid yourself, though, that having and living dreams only happens to certain people. It took me a long time to believe that what I was dreaming, could actually be my reality. Please don't believe for one second that I haven't had (and do have!) my own negative self talk, debilitating fear of failure, inadequacies, insecurities and moments of wanting to give up (or even start!) Believe it or not, the fear of starting my Spirited Space business gripped me so tightly I couldn't talk about it without anxiety taking over. It almost never began. And it was my dream business! (I kept my Tarot Cards hidden away in a spare room for God's sake!)

We are not so different.

Do you know what this lower vibrational feeling in the past truly stemmed from though? Witnessing the motions of life. Fear of being forced to do something I didn't really choose to do. Wondering to myself - is this all there is? Yearning for freedom. Craving weekends. Public Holidays. Annual Leave. Sick days!

Did I have the answer to all of this, just yet? No. But I would ask myself what's worse - the feeling of fear of something new and different, or the feeling of disconnected unconscious living?!

So why was 'the norm' so acceptable? Why was everyone OK doing this? I'm not talking about just money. I'm talking about time. The one thing that I have to come to realise is so precious. The hours we hand over freely each week. Hours of our life. Hours that turn into weeks. Into months. Into years. Into our life! Did I have the answer to all of this, just yet? Still no. But it didn't stop me chasing it.

Images by Feather and Sage Portrait

Images by Feather and Sage Portrait

It's really no wonder so many people dream of working for themselves. Yet most don't allow themselves to go there. They don't even want to think about their situation, see it, or look into it any further. People have actually stopped me from talking about this - saying it makes them feel depressed.


This is not how we should be feeling about our lives!

Or about the lack of a life that we desire.

I wanted everyone to wake up! I wanted everyone to start questioning the norm. I wanted people to start shifting the paradigm within their minds. I wanted people to open up their eyes and see the truth. I wanted people to inform themselves. I wanted everyone to live consciously. To value their time! I wanted everyone to get out of this non-deserving, non-abundant, lack mindset they thought they were stuck in.

I wanted everyone to live their life on purpose.

Did I have the answer to all of this, yet?! Still no. But again, I kept searching for it.

As you can imagine, and might've felt yourself, this conversation triggers a lot for people. This kind of outlook is normally unwelcome. So, a little while back, I stopped trying to scream it from the rooftops and open up the topic in conversation - cos, I'm just a dreamer anyway you know. Doing your 'manifesting' stuff again Anita? Yer, ok. I've seen the rolled eyes, the side smiles. And that's cool. I'll just keep on dreaming over here and concentrate on how I live my life - the way I choose to.

And when I did this... the answers started showing up for me.

And the shift began to shake me even harder.

As with many manifestations of requests, and deliveries from the Universe, it appeared in much different form to what I'd expected. I heard someone speaking, and they said that they had found a way to earn a residual income. My ears pricked up. This meant being supported with an income, even when my little girl had been up all night and there's no way I could work that day? This meant being supported with an income, even when life happens. Because it does.

The person I was listening to had been struggling because their career was not sustainable - energy or time wise. So they had become business partners with a conscious company that was executing ethical business practices - i.e. seeking to benefit both human beings and the planet, through a number of different Philanthropic efforts. And their core mission was offering natural healing to people.

Natural healing!? That's my gig! That topic runs wild and deep within my veins! I wanted to know more. Every fibre of my being aligned with the energy around this. But there was one block, within myself, that I had to bust through first. This opportunity (and successful solution for them!) involved...

Network Marketing.

"Oh no! Not Network Marketing. I am not a salesperson. You got it wrong Universe!"

But what did Network Marketing even mean?

Wasn't there some Network Companies in the past that had ripped people off? Did this mean I had to direct sell? Did I have to hand over a whole lot of money? So I delved into this...deep! And what I discovered was that I was totally misinformed. So I started to learn more. And I started to think...

Were my blocks around whatever I thought Network Marketing was - or were my blocks around actually believing I could allow unlimited abundance into my life?


'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...' - Marianne Williamson

And as I opened up more and more, the next piece of the puzzle fell into my lap - the company that was offering this opportunity, focused on Earth as our Healer. It focused on individuals reconnecting with Mama Nature and themselves to become empowered. It focused on natural health. On alternative holistic wellness. It indirectly took power away from the big institutions that we believe control our lives. This, I could really relate to. This, I was already elbow deep in. This path, I was already halfway down!

How could I ignore this? I asked for an answer and the Universe delivered. (Trust her when she answers you!) And this is what led me to my deepen my connection with doTERRA. Continue reading here > > >

