Keep listening to your Heart, learn how to distinguish that guidance - it is identifiable when it's not covered by hate, jealousy or fear. A truth that we've all felt & heard before...
To those that connect to this, at this time, I hope it relieves you - as it did me. I've always been looking for the answers to why I felt, or did, certain things. But the (logical) answers provided to me, by friends and family, just never sat right.
earth’ling: n. One who inhabits of the earth. Since we all inhabit the earth, all of us are considered earthlings...
...they are very much aware that “something is not right” about the energy of their environment. On the inner level they clash head-on with the parents’ energies, not understanding or resonating with their mind set or behavior.
"One year from now you'll wish you started today."
Since moving to Western Australia, and occupying a new house with new sleeping quarters, I have struggled with developing a regular and restful sleeping habit – and my friends and family know all about it. I can be naaaasty when I’m tired!
I'm waiting with excitement and anticipation for my newest gemstone to arrive in the mail! And I wanted to explain my choice of jewellery, because people often ask me ‘what does that crystal/gemstone mean?’ or why I wear certain things.
When I feel out my Throat Chakra is out of balance (not being able to communicate what I feel/think, or over-communicating by speaking before I think, or without purpose) I meditate on this Chakra by visualising...
Wide awake at 2(ish) AM is not ideal. For some reason, I tried to do it all on my own and orchestrate some 'magic' tossing & turning for the next 20 minutes. Then I finally asked for a little Celestial help...
It's the first Full Moon of 2015 and I've felt it's power since the end of last year! As it reaches it's climax and fullness, it's time to open up and release! This is a time to shine a light (moonlight) on our shadow side - so that we can bring it to the surface, let go of it and work on starting 'a fresh'.
We all know eating our ‘greens’ is good for us. But do you know HOW good?!
A couple of months ago, I moved intestate. It was a quick process, due to a job offer for my partner. I had to pack, and I had to pack fast!