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LISTEN to ‘Herstory’ here

READ ‘Herstory’ here

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Day 1

Integrating Lunar Alignment

Watch 1/2 of video lesson and refer to your ‘Attune to the Moon’ workbook

Day 2


Download, print + fill in your booklet to learn and create your own Blood Ritual

Day 3

Meet your Inner Crone

Watch 2/2 of video lesson and download your booklet

Day 4

Meet you Inner Maiden

Watch 2/2 of video lesson and download your booklet

Day 5

Why they suppressed our Power

Listen to, OR read, ‘Herstory: A Womanifesto’ by clicking on the images

Day 6


I learnt this from one of my first Spiritual Teachers - Christiane Northrup. It is a phenomenon of feminine magnetism through understanding, and using, our eggs within our body during our Ovulation (or Maiden) Phase.

Once a month an egg is released from the ovary (at ovulation) becoming available for fertilisation. The egg stays there and emits a signal telling the sperm she’s ready and she wants them. When the millions of sperm find her, it’s up to the egg who she lets in.

If we let the egg be our model of attraction in terms of our very blueprint for how to manifest what we want in life, we slip into the vibration of asking and allowing. Not going out and chasing - energetically calling in and letting our desires come to us! Knowing that they always will! Unless we go chasing it down or distrust it is on it’s way.

So, when at this phase of your cycle, visualise what it is you want to bring into your life. Visualise communicating with your Egg and telling her what you’d like her to help you call in. See her being programmed with this desire and then sending out a signal to being it in for you! Then, with full belief that she has the intelligence to do this, allow her to do her job. And look out for what comes through for you…

Day 7

White, Red, Purple or Pink Cycle?

Open the Cycle Alignment document and click the link to read more