Earth Medicine for The High Vibrational Woman
Following the structure and themes of our WOMEN'S CIRCLES, this fortnightly space is created for you if you're ready to revisit, remember, relearn and reconnect to Earth and Plant Medicine WISDOM.
To regain health, upgrade in all 4 BODIES and bring these Sacred Rituals and Tools into your own life. Every woman has this wisdom within them, just waiting to be AWOKEN and UNLOCKED, when given access to the right tools.
High vibrational HEALTH for the MODERN + CONSCIOUS WOMAN feels like creativity, balance, calm, sensuality, grounded-ness, nourishment, confidence, power, nurturing and being nurtured.
Sit in Circle with other like minded women, and discover what alignment with Mother Nature's Wisdom, your INDIVIDUAL CYCLE, your MOONTIME, ESSENTIAL OILS and your INTUITION can offer you.
The aim of this gathering is to reunite you with the SACRED TOOLS + RITUALS for you to ignite and create your own Spiritual, Wellness and Self Care Practices - as we explore...
Meditation, Essential Oils, Ritual, Energy clearing, Natural remedies + potions
and receive personal vibrational messages
This workshop will flow as a Women's Circle, infused with Earth Medicine, education and connection.
If you wish to continue this journey after the gathering, you will have the opportunity to purchase and SET UP your own doTERRA Essential Oils KIT for your newly learnt sacred rituals, if you choose.