We tap into the elements of Earth and Winter, as tools to go within, and release what is being stored in your womb and body.
We will explore, release and harness elements of your own birth stories, syncing you up with the Seasons and Moon Phases through charting and calendar work, cleansing and decluttering your physical body, environment and spaces and creating an energetic Birth Altar specific to you and your baby.
But before then, you may get started on leaning into this energy with the resources below.
Realm: Physical
Theme: Shedding
Element: Earth
Season: Winter
Chakras: Root + Crown
Earth Medicine (Oils/Herbs) - Oracle/Tarot - Schumann Resonance (Grounding/Earthing)
Listen to this Meditation once a day, or before you fall asleep each night - over the next 2 weeks.
This Hypnosis Style Meditation takes you on a journey through your womb space, to connect with your baby from your inner Wise Woman/Sage Archetype. This journey will re-balance your Crown and Base Chakras and re-align you with the wisdom of the winter season within you, the elements of Mother Earth and the Cosmos. You will reawaken your inner wise woman, innate and ancestral knowing, and have your questions and queries answered by your highly conscious and intelligent baby. This meditation will re-wire your subconscious with feelings of safety, truth and the earth energy of your womb.
Listen to this sound journey as often as possible, or in the background anytime you are doing this inner work.
This short 2 minute Crystal Bowl Sound Journey will re-align, activate and balance your Crown and Base Chakras.
Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Put your hands on your thighs, palms up. Relax and bring your focus to your breath. Just be aware of the natural rhythm of your breath, don’t force it.
Now that you are fully relaxed, take a breath in. Imagine as you do, that you are being lifted up over a grassy hill (inhaling gently through your nose as you slowly draw the breath up, as long as you can go), reaching the peak and then breathing out (again through your nose) directing the energy of the breath down - gently coming down the other side of the hill.
Practice for 5-10 journeys over the hill.
Choose 1-3 Affirmations from the list below, write these down and post them up somewhere you can see them every day
I trust my body to know how to birth my child
I trust my instincts to know what I need in labour
My baby knows his/her true birthday
My body is a vessel for bringing life onto the earth
As the veil thins, I surrender further
The divine feminine visits me often
Now choose the 1 Affirmation that stands out to you the most. Put a timer on for 5 minutes and begin an Affirmation Meditation, using that one Affirmation. Close your eyes and start repeating your Affirmation over and over again, in your mind. If any thoughts try to invade your mind, bring your focus back to your Affirmation and continue repeating until the timer goes off. Next time try another Affirmation and extend the time.
Manifestation Journaling Scripting
What would be your ultimate, ideal, most amazing birth? If anything was possible, everything was taken care of, you had all the resources you needed - what would this scene look like? Feel like?
The elements we will be been drawing on are; the Crone Archetype, the energy of the middle of the night, the element of Earth, the season of Winter, the New/Dark Moon, the North direction. Tap into these elements to create your own energetic altar, tailored to you and your baby. Create an altar in the North of a special room or part of your home and add the elements that represent all of these aspects of the Crone within you.